- React 18
- Webpack 5
- TypeScript
- Manifest V3
Clone the repository using following command in the terminal:
git clone https://github.com/harshal-limaye/chrome-extension-boilerplate-react-typescript.git <PROJECT_NAME>
Next, navigate to the newly cloned repository directory and run following command to install the dependencies
npm install
Use following command to run webpack in watch mode. It'll automatically reload the build if any changes are made to the files. It also generates source maps to aid the development process.
npm start
Use following command to create a production ready build.
npm run build
To load the extension in chrome
- Navigate to
- Turn on Developer Mode using option located on top right hand side corner of page.
- Click on Load unpacked button. This will open file browser.
- Select the dist folder from the cloned repository.
And that's it! Happy coding...😎