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Update instructions

Ioannis Michaloliakos edited this page Feb 6, 2025 · 8 revisions

To update the app, navigate to your instructor_pilot directory do the following:

  1. First, download the latest version of the app with Git:

    git pull
  2. Update the app dependencies in the conda environment:

    conda update -n base -c defaults conda
    conda env update --file environment.yml --name <name-of-your-conda-env> --prune

    This might take a few minutes and the dependencies change rarely, so in most cases you can skip this step. After this command successfully completes, you can free up disk space by running conda clean -a (this will remove all installation caches).

  3. Update the database structure and existing data:

    conda activate <name-of-your-conda-env>
    python makemigrations
    python migrate
  4. Important: Restart the server (python runserver), open the app in your browser, and hard reload (i.e. reload while ignoring the cache) the page. Different browsers and operating systems have different keyboard shortcuts for that. For example, in Chrome (on Windows or Linux), you can press Ctrl + Shift + R to do this (Cmd + Shift + R on Mac), while other browsers may require you to press Ctrl + F5. Note: Hard reload is an action that affects only the current page, not to the app as a whole. Therefore, after a code update it is good practice to perform this action again as you navigate to new pages of the app, especially if a page appears to be broken.


If you are using the new React UI at http://localhost:5173/, then additionally navigate to the directory frontend and run npm install.

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