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Eerie is a package manager for Io. That means it's a program and a package itself, which helps you to distribute your projects easier. It manages a project's dependencies: installs them, updates them, helps you reviewing dependencies etc.

It can handle packages hosted locally (i.e. a directory) and on the server. When it's on the server, it can be a git repository or a downloadable archive.


If you already installed Io, there is a big chance you installed Eerie as well. To check it, run:

$ eerie -v

In your terminal. If Eerie installed correctly, it'll print Eerie's version. If you instead getting something like:

zsh: command not found: eerie

Follow the instruction in Installing Manually.

Installing Manually

First of all, you should be sure that Eerie isn't installed. For Linux and macOS it's in $HOME/.eerie by default, for Windows it's CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX\eerie. If it's there, try to add the required path into your .shellrc file (i.e. ~/.bashrc for Bash, ~/.zshrc for ZSH):

export EERIEDIR=$HOME/.eerie
export PATH=$PATH:$EERIEDIR/base/bin:$EERIEDIR/activeEnv/bin

Then reload your terminal.

If your system clean from Eerie and you want to install from ground-up:

  1. Clone Eerie repo with git clone
  2. Change directory to Eerie repo (cd eerie)
  3. On Linux or macOS run:
$ . ./

On Windows, run:

$ io

The scripts understand the next options:

  • --dev to install Eerie from a local directory, so Eerie will remember the path for its sources and you'll be able to update it easily calling eerie selfUpdate.
  • --shrc=<path> path to your shell config (for example --shrc=~/.bash_profile or --shrc=~/.zshrc). Without this flag ~/.profile, ~/.bash_profile and ~/.zshrc will be updated automatically on unix systems and no files will be updated on Windows.
  • --notouch with this flag the script will not touch any config files on your system. If you use it, you should be sure that EERIEDIR environment variable is set to Eerie directory and is available during sessions, otherwise Eerie will not work. You should also export your PATH with: $EERIEDIR/base/bin and $EERIEDIR/activeEnv/bin.


To uninstall Eerie just remove it's directory. By default it's $HOME/.eerie on Linux and macOS, and CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX\eerie on Windows.


To update Eerie run:

$ eerie selfUpdate


Eerie packages are installed globally for the current user. That means that instead of packages stored in a directory inside your project (like with NPM, for example), packages you install are available in any project.

While it keeps your system clean from duplicated packages, it introduces an issue, when you need different versions of the same package for different projects. To prevent it, Eerie uses Environments. An Environment is an isolated collection of packages. You can easily create as many environments as you wish. It's recommended to create an environment for each project.

Eerie has next commands to work with environments:

  • eerie env:active print the name of the current environment;

  • eerie env:list (or eerie envs) list available environments;

  • eerie env:create <name> create a new environment;

  • eerie env:activate <name> (or eerie activate <name>) activate the environment with the given name;

  • eerie env:remove <name> remove the environment with the given name.


To better understand Eerie packages, we first look into a package structure.

First, we create a new package Foo:

$ eerie pkg:create Foo

Now let's look at what we got:

$ tree Foo
├── bin
├── hooks
├── io
│   └──
├── package.json
└── source

4 directories, 3 files

The entry-point of your package is file.

bin/ directory contains scripts, which you can use as any other binaries in your terminal. Eerie itself is a package with a binary eerie. So using Eerie, you can distribute not only packages, but also programs, written in Io.

hooks/ is a set of optional scripts, which run before or after downloading, installing and updating of your package. If you put here scripts named either: beforeDownload, afterDownload, beforeInstall, afterInstall, beforeUpdate or afterUpdate; it will run in an appropriate time.

package.json is the package's manifest. It's the file, which contains description of your package and dependencies it has.

source/ is a directory, where stored C source files of your package (if your package has native code).

Let's add some dependency to our package. We change package.json file so it looks like this:

  "name":         "Foo",
  "version":      "0.1.0",
  "description":  "",
  "author":       "",
  "website":      "",
  "readme":       "",
  "protos":       ["Foo"],
  "dependencies": {
    "libs":     [],
    "headers":  [],
    "protos":   [],
    "packages": [""]

And we install jasmineio, to make it available in our environment:

$ eerie install

Now, when someone will install Foo, they'll get jasmineio installed as well. So you don't need to instruct the users of your package, which packages they need to make it work. You can also specify native libraries ("libs") and headers ("headers").

Let's look at available commands to work with packages:

  • eerie pkg:create <name> <path> Creates an empty package structure. If is omitted, new directory will be created in current working directory.

  • eerie pkg:doc <name> Opens documentation for the package in the browser. Opens Eerie documentation, if package name isn't specified.

  • eerie pkg:hook <hookName> <packageName> Runs a hook with name at first argument for the package with name at the second one.

  • eerie pkg:info <name> Shows description of a package.

  • eerie pkg:install <uri> (or eerie install <uri>) Installs a new package.

  • eerie pkg:list (or eerie pkgs) Lists all packages installed within current env.

  • eerie pkg:remove <name> (or eerie remove <name>) Removes the package.

  • eerie pkg:update <name> (or eerie update <name>) Updates the package and all of its dependencies.

  • eerie pkg:updateAll Updates all packages within current env.

Packages With C Code

Writing Eerie packages using C is better explained in NullAddon. It also may be considered a template for native packages.

Basically, except of the package code itself, you need a file in which you can rewrite AddonBuilder to represent a receipt for your package. Here is the contents of of the NullAddon:

# This clone is _required_ for the build process to function correctly.
# However, it doesn't actually have to do anything at all.  Therefore,
# I've commented out the stuff that you'd normally see, since it really
# doesn't depend on anything not already provided in the NullAddon
# software.

AddonBuilder clone do(
 	if(list("cygwin", "mingw", "windows") contains(platform),
 	if(list("darwin", "linux", "netbsd") contains(platform),
 	debs    atPut("package-name-here", "DistroPackageNameHere")
 	ebuilds atPut("package-name-here", "DistroPackageNameHere")
 	pkgs    atPut("package-name-here", "DistroPackageNameHere")
 	rpms    atPut("package-name-here", "DistroPackageNameHere")