Provide a starting framework for using CakeBuild as your automated build scripting environment.
File | Purpose |
.gitignore | Standard Visual Studio git ignore file |
.tfignore | Standard Visual Studio TFS ignore file |
build.cake | Actual cake build script (Details below) |
build.ps1 | Poweshell script to start automated build on Windows | | Shell Script for OSX to start auotmated build | | Shell Script for Linux to start automated build |
LICENSE | Standard License Agreement |
settings.json | JSON file for handling settings for automated build (Details below) |
version.json | JSON file for handling version for automated build (Details below) |
src/AssembyInfo.Shared.cs | Sample Shared AssemblyInfo file (Details below |
- .\build.ps1 -Target -Configuration=<Debug|Release> -skipBuild=<true|false> -skipUnitTest=<true|false> -skipPackage=<true|false>
- Task: Which cakebuild task to execute (Build|Clean|CleanAll|UnitTest|Package|Publish|DisplayHelp) [Default: DisplayHelp]
- Configuration: Build Configuration (Debug|Release) [Default: Release]
- skipBuild: Allows for skipping the build process (useful if you want to package or test without building) [Default: false]
- skipUnitTest: Allows for skipping the uit testing process (useful if you want to build without runnign unit tests) [Default: false]
- skipPackage: Allows for skipping the packaging process (useful if you want to publish without repackaging ) [Default: false]
Contains all of the various settings for the build/test/packaging. By default this is setup for 99% of standard projects
Contains information for the current version information
A sample AssemblyInfo.cs that can be included in all of your projects to handle consolidating assembly details into a single location Note: The leverage this, you'll need to edit your existing AssemblyInfo.cs files and comment out the following attributes
- [assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
- [assembly: AssemblyProduct("")]
- [assembly: AssemblyCopyright("")]
- [assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
- [assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
- [assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.0")]