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Add test to check transaction build fails with wrong hash
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palas committed Oct 24, 2024
1 parent 0712366 commit fe9d98a
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Showing 3 changed files with 178 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions cardano-testnet/cardano-testnet.cabal
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Expand Up @@ -203,6 +203,7 @@ test-suite cardano-testnet-test
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@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NumericUnderscores #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}

module Cardano.Testnet.Test.Gov.TransactionBuildWrongHash
( hprop_transaction_build_wrong_hash
) where

import Cardano.Api as Api

import Cardano.Testnet

import Prelude

import Control.Monad
import Data.Default.Class
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import GHC.IO.Exception (ExitCode (ExitFailure))
import System.Directory (makeAbsolute)
import System.FilePath ((</>))

import Test.Cardano.CLI.Hash (serveFilesWhile, tamperBase16Hash)
import Testnet.Components.Query
import Testnet.Process.Cli.Keys
import Testnet.Process.Run (addEnvVarsToConfig, execCli', execCliAny, mkExecConfig)
import Testnet.Property.Util (integrationRetryWorkspace)
import Testnet.Start.Types
import Testnet.Types

import Hedgehog
import qualified Hedgehog as H
import qualified Hedgehog.Extras as H

-- | Execute me with:
-- @DISABLE_RETRIES=1 cabal test cardano-testnet-test --test-options '-p "/Transaction Build Wrong Hash/'@
hprop_transaction_build_wrong_hash :: Property
hprop_transaction_build_wrong_hash = integrationRetryWorkspace 2 "wrong-hash" $ \tempAbsBasePath' -> H.runWithDefaultWatchdog_ $ do

conf@Conf { tempAbsPath } <- H.noteShowM $ mkConf tempAbsBasePath'
let tempAbsPath' = unTmpAbsPath tempAbsPath
tempBaseAbsPath = makeTmpBaseAbsPath tempAbsPath

work <- H.createDirectoryIfMissing $ tempAbsPath' </> "work"

let ceo = ConwayEraOnwardsConway
sbe = conwayEraOnwardsToShelleyBasedEra ceo
asbe = AnyShelleyBasedEra sbe
eraName = eraToString sbe
fastTestnetOptions = def { cardanoNodeEra = asbe }
shelleyOptions = def { genesisEpochLength = 200 }

{ testnetMagic
, testnetNodes
, wallets=wallet0:wallet1:_
, configurationFile
<- cardanoTestnetDefault fastTestnetOptions shelleyOptions conf

node <- H.headM testnetNodes
poolSprocket1 <- H.noteShow $ nodeSprocket node
execConfig <- mkExecConfig tempBaseAbsPath poolSprocket1 testnetMagic
let socketPath = nodeSocketPath node

epochStateView <- getEpochStateView configurationFile socketPath

H.note_ $ "Sprocket: " <> show poolSprocket1
H.note_ $ "Abs path: " <> tempAbsBasePath'
H.note_ $ "Socketpath: " <> unFile socketPath
H.note_ $ "Foldblocks config file: " <> unFile configurationFile

gov <- H.createDirectoryIfMissing $ work </> "governance"

let proposalAnchorDataIpfsHash = "QmexFJuEn5RtnHEqpxDcqrazdHPzAwe7zs2RxHLfMH5gBz"
proposalAnchorFile <- H.noteM $ liftIO $ makeAbsolute $ "test" </> "cardano-testnet-test" </> "files" </> "sample-proposal-anchor"

infoActionFp <- H.note $ work </> gov </> "info.action"

proposalAnchorDataHash <- execCli' execConfig
[ "hash", "anchor-data", "--file-binary", proposalAnchorFile

let stakeVkeyFp = gov </> "stake.vkey"
stakeSKeyFp = gov </> "stake.skey"
stakeCertFp = gov </> "stake.regcert"
stakeKeys = KeyPair { verificationKey = File stakeVkeyFp
, signingKey = File stakeSKeyFp

cliStakeAddressKeyGen stakeKeys

-- Register stake address

void $ execCli' execConfig
[ eraName, "stake-address", "registration-certificate"
, "--stake-verification-key-file", stakeVkeyFp
, "--key-reg-deposit-amt", show @Int 0 -- TODO: why this needs to be 0????
, "--out-file", stakeCertFp

stakeCertTxBodyFp <- H.note $ work </> "stake.registration.txbody"
stakeCertTxSignedFp <- H.note $ work </> "stake.registration.tx"

txin1 <- findLargestUtxoForPaymentKey epochStateView sbe wallet0

void $ execCli' execConfig
[ eraName, "transaction", "build"
, "--change-address", Text.unpack $ paymentKeyInfoAddr wallet0
, "--tx-in", Text.unpack $ renderTxIn txin1
, "--tx-out", Text.unpack (paymentKeyInfoAddr wallet1) <> "+" <> show @Int 10_000_000
, "--certificate-file", stakeCertFp
, "--witness-override", show @Int 2
, "--out-file", stakeCertTxBodyFp

void $ execCli' execConfig
[ eraName, "transaction", "sign"
, "--tx-body-file", stakeCertTxBodyFp
, "--signing-key-file", signingKeyFp $ paymentKeyInfoPair wallet0
, "--signing-key-file", stakeSKeyFp
, "--out-file", stakeCertTxSignedFp

void $ execCli' execConfig
[ eraName, "transaction", "submit"
, "--tx-file", stakeCertTxSignedFp

let relativeUrl = ["ipfs", proposalAnchorDataIpfsHash]

txbodyFp <- H.note $ work </> "tx.body"

tamperedHash <- H.evalMaybe $ tamperBase16Hash proposalAnchorDataHash

-- Create temporary HTTP server with files required by the call to `cardano-cli`
-- In this case, the server emulates an IPFS gateway
[(relativeUrl, proposalAnchorFile)]
( \port -> do
let execConfig' = addEnvVarsToConfig execConfig [("IPFS_GATEWAY_URI", "http://localhost:" ++ show port ++ "/")]

void $
[ eraName, "governance", "action", "create-info"
, "--testnet"
, "--governance-action-deposit", show @Int 1_000_000 -- TODO: Get this from the node
, "--deposit-return-stake-verification-key-file", stakeVkeyFp
, "--anchor-url", "ipfs://" ++ proposalAnchorDataIpfsHash
, "--anchor-data-hash", tamperedHash
, "--out-file", infoActionFp

txin2 <- findLargestUtxoForPaymentKey epochStateView sbe wallet1

(exitCode, _, stderrOutput) <-
[ eraName, "transaction", "build"
, "--change-address", Text.unpack $ paymentKeyInfoAddr wallet1
, "--tx-in", Text.unpack $ renderTxIn txin2
, "--tx-out", Text.unpack (paymentKeyInfoAddr wallet0) <> "+" <> show @Int 5_000_000
, "--proposal-file", infoActionFp
, "--out-file", txbodyFp

exitCode H.=== ExitFailure 1

H.note_ stderrOutput

H.assert ("Hashes do not match!" `Text.isInfixOf` Text.pack stderrOutput)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import qualified Cardano.Testnet.Test.Gov.GovActionTimeout as Gov
import qualified Cardano.Testnet.Test.Gov.InfoAction as LedgerEvents
import qualified Cardano.Testnet.Test.Gov.PParamChangeFailsSPO as Gov
import qualified Cardano.Testnet.Test.Gov.ProposeNewConstitution as Gov
import qualified Cardano.Testnet.Test.Gov.TransactionBuildWrongHash as WrongHash
import qualified Cardano.Testnet.Test.Gov.TreasuryDonation as Gov
import qualified Cardano.Testnet.Test.Gov.TreasuryWithdrawal as Gov
import qualified Cardano.Testnet.Test.Node.Shutdown
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -67,6 +68,7 @@ tests = do
, ignoreOnMacAndWindows "Treasury Withdrawal" Gov.hprop_ledger_events_treasury_withdrawal
, ignoreOnWindows "PParam change fails for SPO" Gov.hprop_check_pparam_fails_spo
, ignoreOnWindows "InfoAction" LedgerEvents.hprop_ledger_events_info_action
, ignoreOnWindows "Transaction Build Wrong Hash" WrongHash.hprop_transaction_build_wrong_hash
, T.testGroup "Plutus"
[ ignoreOnWindows "PlutusV3" Cardano.Testnet.Test.Cli.Conway.Plutus.hprop_plutus_v3]
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