Releases: IntelLabs/GKL
0.8.11: Bugfixes and security updates
This release contains bugfixes and security related dependencies updates.
Bugfixes and minor changes
- Changed malloc call to calloc when initializing ISA-L (fixes #177),
- Fixed setting incorrect compression level after reset call when compressing with ISA-L,
- Removed "Zero bytes written" warning messages (fixes #176),
- Fixed logger message in,
- Removed unused Intel zlib subdirectories,
- Removed
Dependencies updates
Following dependencies were updated to latest compatible versions:
- HTSJDK 2.21.1 -> 3.0.5 (fixes CVE-2022-21126)
- TestNG 7.4.0 -> 7.5.1 (fixes CVE-2022-4065)
- Intel zlib 1.2.11 -> 1.2.13 (fixes CVE-2018-25032 and CVE-2022-37434)
- gradle 5.6.0 -> 8.0.2
Known Issues
- When compressing using ISA-L library (compression levels 1, 2) outputted compressed data size can differ by small amount of bytes (up to 100) for the same input. This does not affect original uncompressed contents. Investigation of this issue is ongoing.
Remove Log4j
- Log4j has been removed
- A few minor code cleanups
0.8.8 : Q1 2021 Update
Update ISAL and OTC Zlib libraries to latest version (Q1 2021)
Fixed 3 reproducible issues and retested out of 4 more in GKL
Updated build for Centos 7 and Current Mac.
Valgrind on limited C unit tests (passed)
Major improvements to input validation
Major updates to Error handling and propagation.
Added Negative space unit testing coverage
Regular Static Code Scanning
Good overall quality of life improvement for the software
Major library update and memory allocation updates
updated otc zlib 1.2.8 to 1.2.11
update isa-l 2.21 to 2.28
removed libz folder
updated patch for compilation optimizations
removed shacc files and reference from c++, headers and cmake list
upgraded gradle 3.2.1 to 5.6
Fix for issue #89
Defensive code for Smithwatermen memory allocations
New script for Linux