Research Lab for Household Transportation tasks.
Versions of CRAM and Other ROS packages are define in:
The dependencies of the common-lisp kernel: common-lisp-jupyter.rosinstall (copy from
To make the current directory writable inside the jupyterlab:
chmod -R g+w ./
Build and run docker image:
export GID=$(id -g) && chmod g+w -R ./ && \ docker compose -f ./binder/docker-compose.yml up --build
Build and run with X-forwarding (The pybullet debug window open as a desktop display):
export GID=$(id -g) && chmod g+w -R ./ && \ xhost +local:docker && \ docker compose -f ./binder/docker-compose.yml up --build && \ xhost -local:docker
Open Web browser and go to http://localhost:8888/
To stop and remove container:
docker compose -f ./binder/docker-compose.yml down