An application that connects Innopolis residents (customers) with people moving around Kazan (Angels). Customer can order some products (medics, food, ..) from Kazan and Angels would deliver it heading their way to Innopolis.
Customers save time and money for the road & Angels make money while they are doing their own business.
- Log in/Log out
- Sign up as a customer/angel
- Add an order
- View the order details
- Choose an angel
- View delivery status
- Send a request
- View the order details
- View delivery status
- Confirm the order
First, clone the repository and go to the backend directory:
$ git clone [email protected]:ruca905/InnoCart.git
$ cd InnoCart/backend
Create venv environment and activate it:
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
Install all necessary dependencies and migrate the data base:
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ python3 migrate
Finally, you can run a server:
$ python3 runserver
After installation you can sign up and use the aplication either like a customer or an Angel. You can do all actions from feature list.
- Django
- Django Rest Framework
- Flutter
- Dart
- GitHub Actions
- Linter
- SonarCloud