This repository contains CSE330 Summer 2021 Lab Assignment(s) solutions
To test and run the application, or if you want to modify things according to your needs
you will have to install the following things.
- Python
version 3.10 or higher. Download python if you don't have it
To check your version of python, run:
python --version
Note: Unix like operating systems (
OS X, Linux and BSD
comes with the operating system itself. So I recommend using any virtual environment instead of using system environment which can break things easily. -
Further, there are dependencies. So,
file is provided.
to set up, please follow these steps:
clone the repo
make sure that you have git installed. to check run
git --version
in your terminal.git clone
change directory to the project directory
cd CSE330LabAssignments
or open this directory with your favourite code editor or IDE!
Now install required dependencies by running the following commands from the terminal.
pip install -r requirements.txt
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