IUPD Demo Project
To run the project, please follow the instructions at:
IODA Upstream Delay Container GitHub Repository
├── internet_prober
├── data_parser
├── data_uploader
├── source_data
└── docker
Below is an overview of essential modules of this project:
- Description: This moduler probes target IP prefixes.
- Description: This module processes the results generated by the probing tools and prepares them for analysis.
- Sub-Modules:
- yrp2text: Convert raw Yarrp output to text format by grouping traceroute results by target IP address; we add additional field, by sorting hops based on this counter field, we can reconstruct the orginal order of packets in the raw output.
- txt2json: Map IP addresses to ASN using prefix2as and map IP to prefix using longest prefix match (may be done at server); we group the results by ASN into JSON
- Description: This module handles the posting of processed data to our storage. It handles multiple cases where posting is not successful.
- Description: Contains datasets and input files required by the other modules.
- Datasets:
- pfx2AS Dataset: Maps IP prefixes to Autonomous Systems (AS).
- Target IP List: Provides the list of target IP addresses for the probing module (1M prefixes).
- Description: Contains docker-related configuration files.
- Configuration files:
- docker-compose.yaml: Contains defination for Docker Compose.
- .env: Contains sensitive info - authentication.
- write to stat table
- remove cycle data after inserting into ES