Following the tutorial
- a budget of descendant mass
- 用什么来算transport cost?(mass *squared distance traveled)
- KL-divergence:从采样角度出发对KL散度进行直观解释:KL散度描述了我们用分布 来估计数据的真实分布 的编码损失。
- PCA space,PCA(Principal Components Analysis)主成分分析,主成分分析(Principal Component Analysis, PCA)是一种线性降维算法,也是一种常用的数据预处理(Pre-Processing)方法。它的目标是是用方差(Variance)来衡量数据的差异性,并将差异性较大的高维数据投影到低维空间中进行表示。
- logistic function是怎么来的
- 算出来的精度还不一样?
- growth iteration:When we do more than one growth iteration, the value of λ1 can be interpreted intuitively as an inverse step size in our update of growth rates. A large value allows us to change growth by a lot at each iteration.???
- Markov:,无后效性
- widgets.interactive()???
- Shared Ancestry 表达ancestors与descendants
- Fate Matrices?有什么用,前面不是都表达了马?
- 重心坐标(Barycentric coordinates)
- Notebook 6: Transition tables?