Usage: Before building the framework, make sure docker is installed and running in your system. All datasets used in the manuscript of "Functional module states framework reveals cell states for drug and target prediction" by Guangrong Qin et al., can be found in
After clone all the scripts in the repo, the following steps will help you to get familar with the notebooks developed in this project.
Step 1: initate and build the docker environment ./cli.rb build
Step 2: run the docker image ./cli.rb run-notebook
It will initiate the notebook server in a docker environment, to access the notebook, open the URLs in a browser.
Example jupyter notebooks: To run the example jupyter notebook as shown in the manuscript, download all files from the directory of 'Sample_input' from, and put it under the 'project' directory.
$ Example1-generate-TF-pairs.ipynb
$ Example1-generate-FM-matrix.ipynb
Compare FM factor matrix between two groups to define the relative FM-factors, and use them for clustering (define states) and annotation.
$ Example1-comparing-clustering-annotation.ipynb
$ Example1_annotation_tf.ipynb
Users can use Cytoscape for visualizing the regulation of the transcription factors and the regulated pathways.
Annotate each state using external data: drug response (whether different drug dosages are associated with different states)
$ Example1_annotation_drugResponse.ipynb
Annotate each state using external data: drug targets (whether the drug target classes are associated with different states)
Example 3: The association between the transcriptional states prior to drug treatment and drug response
FM-factors generation, clustering, association analysis and prediction models are imbedded in the following script