This is the main website for Women in Computer Science at UIUC. Current owners are Neha Vardhaman (@neha-vard) and Anushri Mittal (@Anushri-Mittal).
Set up a simple http server to view edits you make locally. This guide should help with that. Refresh the localhost tab to view changes after saving them in your code editor.
Please never commit to master, even if you have permission. Run all changes by the Head of Infrastructure. Here are the steps to making a change and solving an issue:
Make a branch off
. Please give it a descriptive message. -
Commit your changes onto your branch.
Push your branch changes.
Once you're ready, create a pull request with base as the
. -
Write a descriptive title and comment. You can reference the associated issue with a #.
You can do tabs or spaces, but please set your tab to 4 spaces.
Use camelCase, not snake_case.
Put braces on the right.
Lines should not be longer than 80 characters.
Put a comment above each function describing what it does.
Alphabetize your CSS.