Python version: 3.7.0
This is both a CLI application and a python module for blindly renaming files of a given extension in a directory retaining the ability to revert the renaming operation. Currently, it can only rename files of one given extension at a time retaining the names relation of the last renaming operation run on the directory.
Simply import the renaming methods from the blindrenamer package Methods are documented with doc strings. Main renaming mathods are blindrename and serialrename.
from blindrenamer import renamingmethods
pathtofiles = "some/path/to/files"
ext = ".someextension"
result = renamingmethods.blindrename(pathtofiles, ext)
for oldname, newname in result.items():
print("{oldname} was renamed to {newname}".format(oldname=oldname, newname=newname))
revertresult = renamingmethods.undolastrename(pathtofiles)
for name in revertresult["success"]:
print("{name} was sucessfully reverted to its original name.".format(name=name))
Run in python interpreter or main.exe and follow the instructions in the prompt.
Set the configs in a .ini file following the example below:
directory = path/to/files
ext = .targetextension
save = True # If you want to be able to revert the rename operation set it to True.
In the command prompt run with the python interpreter or main.exe with the -ini argument containing the path to the mentioned .ini file.
C:\blindrenamer>main -ini "path/to/inifile"