Smash-It Weather app uses fetch API to fetch data from open weather map API, and is a progressive web app. Google Africa Developer Scholarship 2020 2-weeks practice project given towards the end of learning 2 by the GADS team. Made with html, css and vanilla javascript (Instruction is that no framework should be used). Firebase deploy code in the firebase-deploy branch. View live on Firebase.
- Installable like a native app on any device.
- Works offline - Registers & uses service worker for cache.
- Also uses local storage to retain the last fetch on the page even on page reload.
- Click on the link to the progressive web app
- Click on the download icon on the top right corner (See screenshot above) so that the app is downloaded to your device.
- Look for the app among your installed apps whenever you need to use it.
- Type in the name of any city to see weather forcast for current day and the next 7 days
Really learnt a lot by working on this project. Thanks to Google, Andela and pluralsight for this opportunity to participate in the Google Africa Developers Scholarship 2020 program.