Implementation of OIDC protocol messages.
oidcmsg is the 2nd layer in the JwtConnect stack (cryptojwt, oidcmsg, oidcservice, oidcrp)
Handles serialising into a couple of formats (jwt, json, urlencoded and dict) and deserialising from said formats.
It also does verification of messages , that is :
- verifies that all the required parameters are present and has a value
- verifies that the parameter values are of the right type
- verifies that if there is a list of permitted values, a parameter value is on that list.
and finally if the value is a signed and/or encrypted JWT this package will perform the necessary decryption and signature verification.
Also implements a KeyJar which keeps keys belonging to different owners. One owner may have many keys. If some of these keys have a common origin, like described in a JWKS. Such a set will be kept in a keyBundle. Also implemented in this package.
Please read the Official Documentation for getting usage examples and further informations.