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Build Instructions: Windows‐specific

Étienne Léger edited this page Jun 10, 2024 · 1 revision

Follow the general instructions first to install dependencies.

Getting the code

You can use the program git bash, which offers a command line to execute instructions.

First, create a directory to store the code.
> mkdir <basedir>

Next, download the code of IBIS in <basedir>.
> cd <basedir>
> git clone

Make sure that the path path is not too long or you will get an error of the type "...source code directory path length is too long (56 > 50)" later when trying to compile the Ibis executable file. For instance, C:\bIbis is a suitable path for the build directory.

Installing dependencies

See the general build instructions for a list of dependencies.

A manual on how to install OpenCL on Windows can be found here:
Additionally, make sure to restart the computer so that OpenCL is recognized by the system.


The easiest way to build IBIS from scratch is to use the SuperBuild mechanism, which will build IBIS and will also download and build all of the dependencies (except CMake, OpenCL, Qt, and the C++ compiler) in the proper version and with required compilation flags. To run the SuperBuild, type this:

> mkdir <basedir>/build
> cd <basedir>/build
> cmake <basedir>/Ibis/IbisSuperBuild

Some variables that may have to be set using CMake are:

Qt5_DIR (Example of a possible path C:\Qt\Qt5.15.2\msvc2019_64\lib\cmake\Qt5)

The desired build type can be set either from the command line by passing the -DCMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES argument or from the CMake gui by setting the CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES variable. Valid variable values are Debug and Release. The default value is Release. Ibis only supports building a single configuration at a time.

The configuration can be done through:

> cd <basedir>/build/Ibis
> cmake <basedir>/Ibis

The resulting solution file can then be opened in Visual Studio and built with Build -> Build Solution.

Once compiled, the IBIS executable file can be found in the directory <basedir>/build/Ibis/Ibis/Debug/ibis.exe