Empirical noise simulator
Simulates pure noise 2D images given a real ALMA cube or image in input.
A real sky image (same size as reference image) can also be added.
- Source Extractor version 2.25.0 (2018-02-08)
- Python 3.7
- Python non standard packages: astropy, numpy, scipy, matplotlib, cv2, skimage
$ python noisempire.py config_file.txt
or, if you want to specify the image name in the command line:
$ python noisempire.py config_file.txt --INPUT_IMAGE input_image.fits
Examples of input images and real sky are provided for test run.
$ python noisempire.py -h
$ python noisempire.py --help
This is a complete list of all the outputs produced (some of them can be obtained using the DEBUG option)
Original image background - large scale
Original image background - small scale
Original image after all noise patterns are subtracted
High frequency Noise patterns isolated from the original image
simulated PSF of the input image
rms map of the input image
sources identified in the original image (step 1 - mostly point like)
sources identified in the original image (step 2 - point like and more extended components)
Elliptical (PSF-like patterns) isolated from the original image
Radial patterns isolated from the original image
simulated image sim_imagename.fits
original image subtracted of background on large scale and high frequency patterns bck1_HF_sub_imagename.fits
original image subtracted of background on large scale bck1_sub_imagename.fits
original cube flattened to a 2D image FLAT_imagename.fits
original image subtracted of sources, background on large scale and high frequency patterns nosrcs_bck1_HF_sub_imagename.fits
original image subtracted of sources, background on small and large scale, high frequency patterns and Radial and/or elliptical patterns (REP) nosrcs_bck3_HF_REP_sub_imagename.fits
original image subtracted of sources, background on large scale and high frequency patterns nosrcs_bck3_HF_sub_imagename.fits
original image subtracted of sources, background on large and small scales nosrcs_bck3_sub_imagename.fits
original image subtracted of sources and high frequency patterns nosrcs_HF_sub_imagename.fits
original image subtracted of sources only nosrcs_patch_bck_imagename.fits
original image subtracted of sources and large scale background nosrcs_patch_imagename.fits
original image subtracted of large scale background and sources set to 0. nosrcs_imagename.fits
simulated background on large scale (if BCK1_TYPE Simulate) sim_bck1_imagename.fits
simulated background on small scale (if BCK2_TYPE Simulate) sim_bck2_imagename.fits
simulated image with noise at PSF scale, noise small scale subtracted (temporary file not to be considered) sim_bck_sub_tmp2_imagename.fits
simulated image background on small scale (temporary file not to be considered) sim_bck_tmp_imagename.fits
simulated flat image with noise at PSF scale sim_Flat_PSFscale_noise_imagename.fits
simulated noise and background (no HF patterns yet) sim_noise_and_bck_imagename.fits
simulated noise, background and HF patterns sim_noise_bck_HFN_imagename.fits
xxxxx sim_nosrcs_nobck_noHF_imagename.fits
simulated image with noise at PSF scale remodulated using the true rms of the original image sim_PSFscale_noise_imagename.fits
simulated image with noise at pixels-scale only sim_Pixscale_noise_imagename.fits
simulated flat image (temporary file not to be considered) sim_tmp_Flat_PSFscale_noise_imagename.fits
V1.0.1 --> V1.0.2 May 3 2024
- corrected bug (arising flattening cubes problem when extracting radial - elliptical patterns)
V1.0.0 --> V1.0.1 May 2 2024
- removed duplicated import (re)
- removed misleading comments