Having bought a cheap and cheerful CH32V003 development board on AliExpress I wanted to learn RISC-V assembly language. Previously I have worked with the 6502 , Z80 , 8051 (showing my age there) as well as doing some x86 and ARM assembly but I wanted to learn something new. While there are loads of generic RISC-V assembly tutorials out there I found very little specific to the CH32V003 so I thought I should put my code online to assist anyone else in the same position as me.
None of this would have been possible without the excellent work by ..
Firstly cnlohr without who none of this would have been possible.
Also Piotr Zapart who did all the hard work with I2C as the CH32V003 reference manual doesn't offer a lot of help.
** Ian Wraith ( ianwraith at gmail.com ) **