Get Transactions via fints (HBCI) and safe them in a OFX File
Please use pip to install these Python-modules first: pip install fints lxml
The scripts config File (settings.yml) is in yaml Syntax. This parameters must be defined:
blz: 76010085
acc: 12345678
username: 'xxxxxx'
api: ''
- blz: bank code
- acc: bank account number
- username: bank login Name or Number
- api: FinTS (HBCI) API URL
fintsToOFX git:(master) ✗ python3
Transactions for the last x Days:2
The script first asks you for your banking password or PIN. The second input is how many days in the past you will request. The script will save the OFX file on your Desktop. Maybe it's necessary that you edit the Path on Lines 88-90.