These are Haskell bindings for the Z3 theorem prover. We don't provide any high-level interface (e.g. in the form of a Haskell eDSL) here, these bindings are targeted to those who want to build verification tools on top of Z3 in Haskell.
The library is currently "maintained", meaning that I try to be responsive to new issues and pull requests. Unfortunately I do not have time to investigate issues or to do major work myself. I do try to help those who want to contribute.
If someone demonstrates willingness to maintain the library more actively in the long run, then I will be very happy to give the required permissions to become a co-maintainer. In the meantime I will do my best to keep it alive.
Z3 releases come out often and sometimes introduce backwards incompatible changes.
In order to avoid churn and #ifdef
-ery, we only support recent releases of the latest Z3 minor version.
We use semantic versioning to reflect which versions are supported:
The <z3-version>
indicates which version of Z3 is supported, it is computed as
x*100+y for Z3 x.y. For example, versions 408.y.z of these bindings are
meant to support versions 4.8.* of Z3.
This version policy is in line with Haskell's PVP.
If you are using an older solver version you can check compatibility with these bindings below:
Bindings version / Z3 version | 4.8.12 | 4.8.11 | 4.8.10 | 4.8.9 | 4.8.7 | 4.8.6 | 4.8.5 | 4.8.4 | 4.8.3 | 4.8.1 |
408.3 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ |
408.2 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ |
408.1 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
408.0 | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Preferably use the z3 package.
Install a Z3 4.x release. (Support for Z3 3.x is provided by the 0.3.2 version of these bindings.)
Just type cabal install z3 if you used the standard locations for dynamic libraries (/usr/lib) and header files (/usr/include).
- Otherwise use the --extra-lib-dirs and --extra-include-dirs Cabal flags when installing.
Most people use the Z3.Monad
Here is an example script that solves the 4-queen puzzle:
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad ( join )
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Traversable as T
import Z3.Monad
script :: Z3 (Maybe [Integer])
script = do
q1 <- mkFreshIntVar "q1"
q2 <- mkFreshIntVar "q2"
q3 <- mkFreshIntVar "q3"
q4 <- mkFreshIntVar "q4"
_1 <- mkInteger 1
_4 <- mkInteger 4
-- the ith-queen is in the ith-row.
-- qi is the column of the ith-queen
assert =<< mkAnd =<< T.sequence
[ mkLe _1 q1, mkLe q1 _4 -- 1 <= q1 <= 4
, mkLe _1 q2, mkLe q2 _4
, mkLe _1 q3, mkLe q3 _4
, mkLe _1 q4, mkLe q4 _4
-- different columns
assert =<< mkDistinct [q1,q2,q3,q4]
-- avoid diagonal attacks
assert =<< mkNot =<< mkOr =<< T.sequence
[ diagonal 1 q1 q2 -- diagonal line of attack between q1 and q2
, diagonal 2 q1 q3
, diagonal 3 q1 q4
, diagonal 1 q2 q3
, diagonal 2 q2 q4
, diagonal 1 q3 q4
-- check and get solution
fmap snd $ withModel $ \m ->
catMaybes <$> mapM (evalInt m) [q1,q2,q3,q4]
where mkAbs x = do
_0 <- mkInteger 0
join $ mkIte <$> mkLe _0 x <*> pure x <*> mkUnaryMinus x
diagonal d c c' =
join $ mkEq <$> (mkAbs =<< mkSub [c',c]) <*> (mkInteger d)
In order to run this SMT script:
main :: IO ()
main = evalZ3 script >>= \mbSol ->
case mbSol of
Nothing -> error "No solution found."
Just sol -> putStr "Solution: " >> print sol
This library automatically garbage collects all C objects created through its API.
Since version 408.3
, this library implements thread-safety over the C API,
i.e. API calls are serialized by locking on their Context
To safely compile for multi-threaded code please upgrade to >= 408.3
Operations and objects in different Context
s can safely be accessed concurrently
and are not synchronized by this library.
Therefore, if you want to achieve real concurrency,
you must use a different Context
in each thread.
You can use the *_translate_*
functions from Z3's API to copy objects between different Contexts