Forwards EPICS PVs to Apache Kafka. Part of the ESS data streaming pipeline.
Both Channel Access
and PV Access
EPICS protocols are supported.
The protocol can be configured independently for each PV.
Python 3.8 or higher is required.
Runtime Python dependencies are declared in pyproject.toml
and pinned in requirements.txt at the root of the
repository. They can be installed from a terminal by running
pip install -r requirements.txt
To run with minimal settings: --config-topic some_server:9092/some_config_topic --status-topic some_server:9092/some_status_topic --output-broker some_other_server:9092
For help: --help
Required arguments:
- config-topic - Kafka username/broker/topic (
) to listen for commands relating to PVs to be forwarded on - status-topic - Kafka username/broker/topic (
) to publish regular status updates on - output-broker - Kafka username/broker (
) to forward PV data into
Optional arguments:
- config-topic-sasl-password - Password for SASL Kafka authentication. Note that the username is specified in the
argument - status-topic-sasl-password - Password for SASL Kafka authentication. Note that the username is specified in the
argument - output-broker-sasl-password - Password for SASL Kafka authentication. Note that the username is specified in the
argument - storage-topic - Kafka username/broker/topic for storage of the current forwarding details; these will be reapplied when the forwarder is restarted
- storage-topic-sasl-password - Password for SASL Kafka authentication. Note that the username is specified in the
argument - skip-retrieval - do not reapply stored forwarding details on start-up
- graylog-logger-address - Graylog logger instance to log to
- log-file - name of the file to log to
- pv-update-period - period for forward PVs values even if the value hasn't changed (milliseconds)
- service-id - identifier for this particular instance of the Forwarder
- fake-pv-period - period for random generated PV updates when channel_provider_type is set to 'fake' (milliseconds)
Arguments can also be specified in a configuration file
forwarder_launch --config-file my_config.conf
The configuration file consists of 'key=value' pairs, e.g.
Authentication is disabled by default. To enable it, you must provide the SASL mechanism, username and password as arguments.
The supported Kafka authentication SASL mechanisms are SCRAM-SHA-256
Only non-TLS channels (SASL_PLAINTEXT
) are currently supported.
The SASL mechanism can be specified as part of the username/broker string as follows: sasl_mechanism\username@broker:port/topic
Example: SCRAM-SHA-256\[email protected]:9092/topic
To build the forwarder for use within a container, use docker build . --tag forwarder:latest
To use the container run docker run -it forwarder:latest
followed by your options ie.
docker run -it forwarder:latest --config-topic mybroker:9092/configTopic . . .
Adding or removing PVs to be forwarded is done by publishing configuration change messages to the configuration topic specified in the command line arguments. Such messages must be serialised as FlatBuffers using the fc00 schema which can be found here. Support for serialising and deserialising these messages in Python in available in the ess-streaming-data-types library.
The schema takes two parameters: the type of configuration change (UpdateType) and the corresponding streams.
There are three choices for the UpdateType of the configuration message:
- ADD - add the specified streams to the existing set of streams
- REMOVE - remove the specified streams from the set of streams
- REMOVEALL - remove all streams
- REPLACE - remove all streams and add the specified streams
A stream contains:
- The name of the PV to be forwarded.
- The EPICS protocol for reading the PV.
- The Kafka topic to write to.
- The FlatBuffers schema to encode the PV value with. See the supported schemas here.
- Note that additional messages with different schemas may be configured by the forwarder
automatically. In particular, every PV will also generate
messages, and PVs configured forf144
will forward alarm information asal00
- Note that additional messages with different schemas may be configured by the forwarder
automatically. In particular, every PV will also generate
- The last argument is a boolean indicating whether the PV should be periodically forwarded even if the value hasn't changed. The periodic update is useful for signals like motor positions which might not change often, but the periodic update should be turned off for signals like viscosity in a rheometer which is measured at a specific time and we don't want to send the same value again.
Note that when removing (using REMOVE) configured streams, not all fields in the Stream
table of the schema need to be populated.
Missing or empty strings in the channel name, output topic and schema fields match all stream configurations.
At least one field must be populated though.
Single-character "?"" and multi-character "*" wildcards are allowed to be used in the channel name and output topic fields.
In conjunction with naming conventions for EPICS channel names and Kafka topics this can be used to carry out operations
such as clearing all configured streams for a particular instrument.
Empty PV updates are not forwarded and are not cached to send in periodic updates. This addresses, for example, the case of empty chopper timestamp updates when a chopper is not spinning.
Chopper timestamps to be forwarded with tdct
schema are assumed to be in nanoseconds and relative
to the EPICS update timestamp, they are converted to nanosecond-precision unix timestamps when forwarded.
To use for real, replace CONFIG_BROKER, CONFIG_TOPIC and STREAMS with values corresponding to the real system.
from confluent_kafka import Producer
from streaming_data_types.forwarder_config_update_fc00 import (Protocol,
from streaming_data_types.fbschemas.forwarder_config_update_fc00.UpdateType import UpdateType
CONFIG_BROKER = "some_kafka_broker:9092"
CONFIG_TOPIC = "TEST_forwarderConfig"
StreamInfo("IOC:PV1", "f144", "some_topic", Protocol.Protocol.PVA, 1),
StreamInfo("IOC:PV2", "f144", "some_other_topic", Protocol.Protocol.CA, 1),
StreamInfo("IOC:PV3", "f144", "some_other_topic", Protocol.Protocol.PVA, 0),
producer = Producer({"bootstrap.servers": CONFIG_BROKER})
# Add new streams
producer.produce(CONFIG_TOPIC, serialise_fc00(UpdateType.ADD, STREAMS))
# Replace all streams (note that this will remove all the existing streams)
# producer.produce(CONFIG_TOPIC, serialise_fc00(UpdateType.REPLACE, STREAMS))
# Remove one stream (note that you need to pass the argument as a list)
# producer.produce(CONFIG_TOPIC, serialise_fc00(UpdateType.REMOVE, [STREAMS[0]]))
# Remove all the streams at once
# producer.produce(CONFIG_TOPIC, serialise_fc00(UpdateType.REMOVEALL, []))
, flake8
and mypy
can be used as a pre-commit hook (installed by pre-commit).
You need to run
pre-commit install
once to activate the pre-commit check. To test the hooks run
pre-commit run --all-files
This command can also be used to run the hooks manually.
Development dependencies (including all runtime dependencies) can be installed by using the following command
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
The requirements.txt
and requirements-dev.txt
files are generated using
pip-tools, which produces a full list of
pinned versions generated from the dependencies declared in pyproject.toml
To generate or update the complete list of dependencies:
- Activate your local virtual environment and make sure you have pip and pip-tools installed:
pip install -U pip pip-tools
- Generate requirements.txt:
pip-compile -v --resolver=backtracking -o requirements.txt pyproject.toml
- Generate requirements-dev.txt:
pip-compile -v --resolver=backtracking --extra dev -o requirements-dev.txt pyproject.toml
Additional design and implementation details are available at Developer notes.