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Stanford RDT Notes

Brian Wandell edited this page Jun 18, 2018 · 2 revisions

In our lab, we use the Remote Desktop (RDT) tools to login to a virtual machine on the GCP. That machine (an Ubuntu machine) is accessed via the Microsoft Remote Desktop implementation downloaded from the App store. This provides us with a good graphical interface to the Ubuntu machine.

Here are some notes about details- that have been annoying to us from time to time - in managing the RDT environment

Wandell lab VMs


used for many things, including PBRT rendering and isetcloud


Zheng set this up for pytorch and tensorflow calculations


If you forget to close the RDT somewhere and you need to kill it and start it locally, try

% sudo service xrdp restart

This will restart Everybody!

login through an ssh command and kill Xvnc if you forget to close elsewhere.

 ps aux | grep Wandell | grep Xvnc

Then you kill your Xvnc process and leave others alone.


 killall -u wandell

Typically, use Microsoft Remote Desktop with these parameters

No gateway configured
Resolution: Native
Colors:  True COlor (24 bit)
Full screen mode: OS X native
I don't start in full screen mode.  But I do make it full screen after a while.