a data submission workflow normally is based on the following steps:
- information collection to manage the specific data ingest request
- data ingest
- data quality assurance
- data publication (making data accessible in file system or via portals)
- data archival
The submission_forms package provides:
- interactive ipython notebooks for data submission related information collection
- a set of utilities to store and manage submission information (json based)
- a set of utilities for data managers to manage submission related information based on json as well as an object representation of json information.
- a tranformation of this information to a W3C Prov representation (xml, json as well as graph)
- a python 3 installation with ipython and jupyter notebook support
- a conda based python (3.x) installation (https://www.continuum.io/downloads) is recommended
- dependencies:
- ipython, notebook, matplotlib (optional)
- other dependencies are installed automatically (like prov, gitpython, ..)
- to satisfy dependencies e.g. do
- conda install ipython, notebook, gitpython, matplotlib
Installation: A future version will provide direct installation via pip, for the time being pip install the version on github:
- git clone https://github.com/IS-ENES-Data/submission_forms.git
- cd ..your_installation_path/submission_forms.git
- pip install .
- this installs the dkrz_forms package in your current python environment
- it is recommended to use a separate python environment for this
Run in your home directory init_forms
- This will generate a prepopulated Forms directory in your home directory
Run jupyter noteboook in your home directory
- This will run a private jupyter notebook
In the notebook navigate to the Forms directory and start the "Create_Submission_Form.ipynb" notebook
- Follow the instructions
Have a look at the demo and documentation notebooks located in the Forms/Doc directory in your home