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Разработка веб-портала для работы с системами родоструктурных определений


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React + Django based web portal for editing RSForm schemas. This readme file is used mostly to document project dependencies and conventions.

❤️ Contributing notes

  • feel free to open issues, discussion topics, contact maintainer directly
  • use Test config in VSCode to run tests before pushing commits / requests
  • use github actions to setup linter checks and test builds
  • use conventional commits to describe changes

✨ Frontend [Vite + React + Typescript]

  • to regenerate parsers use 'npm run generate' script
npm install
  - axios
  - clsx
  - react-icons
  - react-router
  - react-toastify
  - react-tabs
  - react-intl
  - react-select
  - react-error-boundary
  - react-tooltip
  - react-zoom-pan-pinch
  - reactflow
  - js-file-download
  - use-debounce
  - qrcode.react
  - html-to-image
  - @tanstack/react-table
  - @uiw/react-codemirror
  - @uiw/codemirror-themes
  - @lezer/lr
  - @dagrejs/dagre
npm install -D
  - tailwindcss
  - postcss
  - autoprefixer
  - eslint-plugin-react-compiler
  - eslint-plugin-simple-import-sort
  - eslint-plugin-react-hooks
  - eslint-plugin-tsdoc
  - babel-plugin-react-compiler
  - vite
  - jest
  - ts-jest
  - @types/jest
  - @lezer/generator
VS Code plugins
  - ESLint
  - Colorize
  - Tailwind CSS IntelliSense
  - Code Spell Checker (eng + rus)
  - Backticks
  - Svg Preview
  - TODO Highlight v2
  - Prettier
  - PowerShell (for Windows dev env)
Google fonts
  - Fira Code
  - Rubik
  - Alegreya Sans SC
  - Noto Sans Math
  - Noto Sans Symbol
  - Noto Color Emoji

🗃️ Backend [Django + PostgreSQL/SQLite]

  - django
  - djangorestframework
  - django-cors-headers
  - django-filter
  - drf-spectacular
  - tzdata
  - gunicorn
  - coreapi
  - psycopg2-binary
  - cctext
  - pyconcept
  - coverage
  - pylint
  - mypy
  - djangorestframework-stubs[compatible-mypy]
VS Code plugins
  - Pylance
  - Pylint
  - autopep8
  - isort
  - Django
  - SQLite

⚙️ DevOps

  • Docker compose
  • PowerShell
  • Certbot
  • Docker VSCode extension

Developer Notes

📝 Commit conventions

  • 🚀 F: major feature implementation
  • 🔥 B: bug fix
  • 🚑 M: Minor fixes
  • 🔧 R: refactoring and code improvement
  • 📝 D: documentation

🖥️ Local build (Windows 10+)

This is the build for local Development

  • Install Python 3.12, NodeJS, VSCode, Docker Desktop
  • copy import wheels from ConceptCore to rsconcept/backend/import
  • run scripts/dev/LocalEnvSetup.ps1
  • use VSCode configs in root folder to start development
  • use 'npm run prepare' to regenerate frontend parsers (if you change grammar files)

🔭 Local docker build

This build does not use HTTPS and nginx for networking

  • backend and frontend debugging is supported
  • hmr (hot updates) for frontend
  • run via 'docker compose -f "docker-compose-dev.yml" up --build -d'
  • populate initial data: 'scripts/dev/PopulateDevData.ps1'

📦 Local production build

This build is same as production except not using production secrets and working on localhost

  • provide TLS certificate (can be self-signed) 'nginx/cert/local-cert.pem' and 'nginx/cert/local-key.pem'
  • run via 'docker compose -f "docker-compose-prod-local.yml" up --build -d'

🔥 Production build

This build is deployed on server.

  • provide secrets: 'secrets/db_password.txt', 'django_key.txt', 'email_host.txt', 'email_password.txt', 'email_user.txt'
  • check if you need to change SSL/TLS and PORT in 'rsconcept\'
  • setup domain names for application and API in configs: 'frontend\env.env.production', 'rsconcept\', 'nginx\production.conf'
  • provide privacy policy document in PDF: 'frontend/public/privacy.pdf'
  • use certbot to obtain certificates via 'docker compose -f "docker-compose-prod.yml" run --rm certbot certonly --webroot --webroot-path /var/www/certbot/ -d'
  • run via 'docker compose -f "docker-compose-prod.yml" up --build -d'
  • update via 'bash scripts/prod/'


Разработка веб-портала для работы с системами родоструктурных определений



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