Project Objective: To provide students with opportunities to develop creativity, problem-solving skills and team-work abilities through a group project. During this project, students will get not only the valuable practical experience to use computer programming language to design and develop a path planning algorithm for an aircraft operation from scratch but also practical skills of using online collaborating programming platform to work with group members remotely.
Note that the project task is updated, please refer to the latest slide in (Lecture Notes/Slides by Weeks/Week 9 (Second Week)/Second Week - Project tasks (updated).pdf)
Compulsory Tasks || Tutorial link
Final Report Template - Tutorial link - Introduction
Lecture on 19 or 26 Nov (Tue).
23:50pm on 1 Dec (Sun).
23:50pm on 1 Dec (Sun).
General Inquiry
Dr Guohao Zhang - [email protected] -
Assistance on Your Project
Group 1-2 Mr Zekun ZHANG - [email protected]
Group 3-5 Mr Mingda YE - [email protected]
Group 6-7 Ms Jingxiaotao FANG - [email protected]
Group 8-10 Mr Chin Lok TSANG - [email protected]
Group 11-12 Mr Di HAI - [email protected]
Group 13-14 Mr Zhengdao LI - [email protected]
We use Best-README-Template for readme organization and PythonRobotics for demo A star path planning.