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Releases: INL/BlackLab

Beta version for v4.0.0

20 Mar 12:40
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First (and hopefully only) beta version for version 4.0.0.

See for a large list of changes, but here are some major ones:

  • dependency relations
  • parallel corpora
  • many extensions to the query language, now named BCQL
  • improved (automatic) capturing of tags, etc.; group by captures, tag attributes, etc.
  • index using Saxon for better XPath support
  • work on new API version (still experimental)
  • Docker
  • new index format, fully integrated with the Lucene index
  • experimental Solr version (work in progress)
  • many bug fixes and performance improvements

Also see Docker images at

Remove unnecessary libraries (Solr, Jetty, etc.).

06 Oct 11:11
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With the Lucene 8 upgrade, a lot of libraries got pulled in because we used a class (SlowCompositeReaderWrapper) that was moved from Lucene to Solr. The libraries included Jetty, which interfered with running BlackLab Server in some application servers.

This gets rid of the class and unnecessary libraries.

Lucene 8. Improved performance. Huge corpora.

21 Jul 08:10
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  • Minimum Java version was raised from 8 to 11.
  • Based on Lucene 8. Thanks to @zhyongwei for the initial version update. Further
    changes were made to how DocValues are used, as this API is now sequential instead
    of random-access.
  • Smarter default config values based on number of CPU cores and max. heap memory.
    A debug message will show that and how the default value for a missing was determined.
  • Corpora larger than 2^31 tokens are now supported. The few operations
    that don't support this yet will produce a clear error message. This functionality can
    be disabled with the search.enableHugeResultSets setting (default true) that might
    slightly improve performance.
  • Warn if an annotation named 'word' or 'lemma' has no explicit sensitivity declared. Due to a special case, these will automatically get sensitivity sensitive_insensitive, but this quirk is deprecated and should not be relied upon.
  • Clearer error message if no indexLocations were found.
  • BLS now resolves symlinks while scanning indexLocations.
  • BLS now allows dots in index names (in addition to underscore and dash).
  • DocIndexerXPath now throws an exception if it encounters a non-UTF8 doc.
  • FileProcessor should now handle files larges than 4G (although such files may lead to other problems, e.g. excessive memory use).
  • When search is interrupted, there should now be a better indicating as to why.
  • Stack trace should be included in more error responses if in debug mode.
  • 'Unauthorized to view content' error now refers to documentation.
  • If a format config contains an error, report the file it occurs in.
  • Document that the first annotation declared becomes the main annotation.
  • BLS now also looks at X-Forwarded-For header to determine debug mode.
  • BLS now accepts wildcards in the debug mode ip configuration.
  • Update Jackson, revert YAML bug workaround.
  • Improve how search/count times are reported in BLS.


  • Added naf (NLP Annotation Format) to the builtin formats.
  • FrequencyTool is a commandline tool that allows you to get frequency lists for an entire corpus.

Java API

  • Hits, HitsInternal(Mutable), CapturedGroups and other interfaces refactored to make
    (im)mutability more explicit.
  • Doc and DocImpl classes were removed. Now that we use DocValues everywhere, caching
    Lucene documents doesn't make sense.
  • Searches should no longer get stuck queued even if maxConcurrentSearches is set to a low value.


  • Fix usecontent=orig with outputformat=json
  • Fix metadata value frequency reading, which due to a bug with how YAML was handled would all be read back as 0.
  • Fix an issue where HitProperty.contextIndices would seemingly change during a sort operation.
  • Prevent NPE if no patt specified with /hits request.
  • Fix hitsProcessedAtLeast() method not always blocking. It may not be clear from the name, but this method will wait for the specified amount of hits to be processed, or will return false if all hits were processed and there were fewer than that amount.
  • Fix NPE for malformed sort string like docid,.
  • Don't hardcode "word" as the main annotation.
  • Fix errors when running tests in parallel.


  • support for previous BlackLab indexes (because Lucene 8 cannot read Lucene 5 indexes);
    you must reindex your data to use this version. If this is impractical, please keep
    using v2.3.0 for now. We would like to provide a conversion tool at some point.
  • support for obsolete content store and forward index files (cs types "utf8" and "utf8zip",
    fi version 3; these were all replaced with newer versions six years ago. older indexes
    will need to be re-indexed)
  • Some deprecated settings. A warning will be shown if the setting is still found.
  • Deprecated methods from Indexer, among others.

Bugfix release for Lucene 5 version.

13 Jul 09:45
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  • If another search needs a queued search, always unqueue it (avoids deadlock)
  • Respect chosen context size for CSV export
  • Update list of builtin formats so tei-p5 and the legacy tei formats can be found
  • If format with same name is found, include the name in the exception
  • Don't include metadataGroupInfo with every result for /hits and /docs responses, this was never intended and produced invalid JSON
  • Don't crash if an unreadable index from a different BlackLab version is found, just skip it
  • Add version and build time to WAR manifest.


  • IndexTooOld/IndexTooNew replaced with IndexVersionMismatch. See exception message for details.

Final Lucene 5 release (except for bugfixes)

13 Apr 08:18
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  • Alternative cache implementation (ResultsCache by @eginez of Lexion) that may be
    faster in high-throughput scenario's. Note that this implementation currently does not
    support queueing or aborting searches or getting a running totals count.
  • Add processing step to concatenate separate date fields into one.
  • Added format configuration tei-p5.blf.yaml that uses more standard pos attribute.
    Renamed existing TEI format configurations to -legacy.
  • several fixes, improvements and cleanup of deprecated stuff.

Fixes and speedups. Instrumentation. Test suite. Docker.

08 Feb 14:05
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Bumps log4j to 2.16.0 (critical security fix)

16 Dec 09:24
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This addresses security issue CVE-2021-45046. Everyone using v2.1.0 is advised to upgrade as soon as possible.

Bugfixes. MetadataFieldsWriter.

22 Jun 14:04
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  • Add MetadataFieldsWriter for programmatically setting the special fields
  • Fix crash during indexing if terms file got very large.
  • BLS: Fix incorrect check who user-owned formats.
  • BLS: /termfreq operation no longer requires a filter query.

New API; multithreading; Saxon support

10 Jan 12:09
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See for more details.

First release candidate for v2.0.0.

07 Dec 13:30
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See for details. Please report any issues you experience with this preview.