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This a repository for counselling section 2020 with amazing tools developed by team memners of IIITians Network. It contains 5 tools. 1.Choice filling tool 2.Rank Predictor 3.Collage Predictor 4.Collage Comparator 5.Ask to IIITians But as of now rank predector and choice filling toola are only designed. Counselling Homepage , Rankpredictor and choice filling tool: Complete Front-end part is designed and developed by Reha(IIIT Dharwad| 2019-23 batch |[email protected]) . Particle js background in landing page and all faded animation effects, Table responsiveness, Forms are added by and connected all backend : Rishabh (IIIT Lucknow 2019-23 Batch | @the-rdt [email protected]) . Anyone who finds a better design than this are free to update it. Backend: Aditya Agarwal( IIIT Raichur ), Arunit Kumar (IIIT Bhagalpur), Ishan (IIIT Kalyani) . Logics: Aman Malhothra Administrator:Prashant Katiyar