The Python client is autogenerated based on this IGVF OpenAPI specification, which exposes search
, collection
, and other read endpoints from the IGVF Data Portal.
Note while the API endpoints are relatively stable, the underlying data model is still evolving, and changing fields/types can cause breaking changes. The latest version of the client reflects the latest version of the schema used by the API.
- API version: 65.0.0
- Package version: 65.0.0
- Generator version: 7.7.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen
Python 3.9+
Pip install:
$ pip install igvf-client
Or clone the repo and and install:
$ git clone
$ cd igvf-python-client
$ pip install -e .
Then import the package:
$ python
>>> import igvf_client
from igvf_client import IgvfApi
api = IgvfApi()
# Search for Software that matches query `abc`.
r ='abc', type=['Software'])
# Print total number of results and list of results in `@graph`.
# Pull first item, unwrap to underlying Software item with `actual_instance`.
software_item = r.graph[0].actual_instance
# Print Software item and specific fields.
# Get the Lab item based on the lab @id in the Software item.
lab = api.get_by_id(software_item.lab)
# Print lab and specific field.
You can make authenticated requests (e.g. to view unreleased data) if you pass the access key/secret key associated with your user when instantiating the client.
from igvf_client import Configuration
from igvf_client import ApiClient
from igvf_client import IgvfApi
config = Configuration(
access_key = os.environ["IGVF_ACCESS_KEY"],
secret_access_key = os.environ["IGVF_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"]
client = ApiClient(config)
api = IgvfApi(client)
api.sequence_files(status=['in progress']).total # 8878
See other examples in examples.ipynb and
Refer to the documentation for a full specification of endpoint inputs and outputs and model fields.
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
IgvfApi | get_by_id | GET /{resource_id} | Get item information |
IgvfApi | search | GET /search | Search for items on the IGVF Data Portal. |
IgvfApi | schemas | GET /profiles | Retrieve JSON schemas for all item types |
IgvfApi | schema_for_item_type | GET /profiles/{item_type} | Retrieve JSON schema for item type |
IgvfApi | report | GET /multireport.tsv | Generate a TSV file report based on search query. All results are returned. |
IgvfApi | download | GET /{file_id}/@@download | Download file. |
IgvfApi | batch_download | GET /batch-download | List files to download based on search query. All results are returned. |
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
IgvfApi | access_keys | GET /access-keys/@@listing | List items in the AccessKey collection. |
IgvfApi | alignment_files | GET /alignment-files/@@listing | List items in the AlignmentFile collection. |
IgvfApi | analysis_sets | GET /analysis-sets/@@listing | List items in the AnalysisSet collection. |
IgvfApi | analysis_step_versions | GET /analysis-step-versions/@@listing | List items in the AnalysisStepVersion collection. |
IgvfApi | analysis_steps | GET /analysis-steps/@@listing | List items in the AnalysisStep collection. |
IgvfApi | assay_terms | GET /assay-terms/@@listing | List items in the AssayTerm collection. |
IgvfApi | auxiliary_sets | GET /auxiliary-sets/@@listing | List items in the AuxiliarySet collection. |
IgvfApi | awards | GET /awards/@@listing | List items in the Award collection. |
IgvfApi | biomarkers | GET /biomarkers/@@listing | List items in the Biomarker collection. |
IgvfApi | configuration_files | GET /configuration-files/@@listing | List items in the ConfigurationFile collection. |
IgvfApi | construct_library_sets | GET /construct-library-sets/@@listing | List items in the ConstructLibrarySet collection. |
IgvfApi | crispr_modifications | GET /crispr-modifications/@@listing | List items in the CrisprModification collection. |
IgvfApi | curated_sets | GET /curated-sets/@@listing | List items in the CuratedSet collection. |
IgvfApi | degron_modifications | GET /degron-modifications/@@listing | List items in the DegronModification collection. |
IgvfApi | documents | GET /documents/@@listing | List items in the Document collection. |
IgvfApi | genes | GET /genes/@@listing | List items in the Gene collection. |
IgvfApi | genome_browser_annotation_files | GET /genome-browser-annotation-files/@@listing | List items in the GenomeBrowserAnnotationFile collection. |
IgvfApi | human_donors | GET /human-donors/@@listing | List items in the HumanDonor collection. |
IgvfApi | image_files | GET /image-files/@@listing | List items in the ImageFile collection. |
IgvfApi | images | GET /images/@@listing | List items in the Image collection. |
IgvfApi | in_vitro_systems | GET /in-vitro-systems/@@listing | List items in the InVitroSystem collection. |
IgvfApi | index_files | GET /index-files/@@listing | List items in the IndexFile collection. |
IgvfApi | institutional_certificates | GET /institutional-certificates/@@listing | List items in the InstitutionalCertificate collection. |
IgvfApi | labs | GET /labs/@@listing | List items in the Lab collection. |
IgvfApi | matrix_files | GET /matrix-files/@@listing | List items in the MatrixFile collection. |
IgvfApi | measurement_sets | GET /measurement-sets/@@listing | List items in the MeasurementSet collection. |
IgvfApi | model_files | GET /model-files/@@listing | List items in the ModelFile collection. |
IgvfApi | model_sets | GET /model-sets/@@listing | List items in the ModelSet collection. |
IgvfApi | multiplexed_samples | GET /multiplexed-samples/@@listing | List items in the MultiplexedSample collection. |
IgvfApi | open_reading_frames | GET /open-reading-frames/@@listing | List items in the OpenReadingFrame collection. |
IgvfApi | pages | GET /pages/@@listing | List items in the Page collection. |
IgvfApi | phenotype_terms | GET /phenotype-terms/@@listing | List items in the PhenotypeTerm collection. |
IgvfApi | phenotypic_features | GET /phenotypic-features/@@listing | List items in the PhenotypicFeature collection. |
IgvfApi | platform_terms | GET /platform-terms/@@listing | List items in the PlatformTerm collection. |
IgvfApi | prediction_sets | GET /prediction-sets/@@listing | List items in the PredictionSet collection. |
IgvfApi | primary_cells | GET /primary-cells/@@listing | List items in the PrimaryCell collection. |
IgvfApi | publications | GET /publications/@@listing | List items in the Publication collection. |
IgvfApi | reference_files | GET /reference-files/@@listing | List items in the ReferenceFile collection. |
IgvfApi | rodent_donors | GET /rodent-donors/@@listing | List items in the RodentDonor collection. |
IgvfApi | sample_terms | GET /sample-terms/@@listing | List items in the SampleTerm collection. |
IgvfApi | sequence_files | GET /sequence-files/@@listing | List items in the SequenceFile collection. |
IgvfApi | signal_files | GET /signal-files/@@listing | List items in the SignalFile collection. |
IgvfApi | software | GET /software/@@listing | List items in the Software collection. |
IgvfApi | software_versions | GET /software-versions/@@listing | List items in the SoftwareVersion collection. |
IgvfApi | sources | GET /sources/@@listing | List items in the Source collection. |
IgvfApi | tabular_files | GET /tabular-files/@@listing | List items in the TabularFile collection. |
IgvfApi | technical_samples | GET /technical-samples/@@listing | List items in the TechnicalSample collection. |
IgvfApi | tissues | GET /tissues/@@listing | List items in the Tissue collection. |
IgvfApi | treatments | GET /treatments/@@listing | List items in the Treatment collection. |
IgvfApi | users | GET /users/@@listing | List items in the User collection. |
IgvfApi | whole_organisms | GET /whole-organisms/@@listing | List items in the WholeOrganism collection. |
IgvfApi | workflows | GET /workflows/@@listing | List items in the Workflow collection. |
- AccessKey
- AccessKeyResults
- AlignmentFile
- AlignmentFileResults
- AnalysisSet
- AnalysisSetResults
- AnalysisStep
- AnalysisStepResults
- AnalysisStepVersion
- AnalysisStepVersionResults
- AssayTerm
- AssayTermResults
- Attachment
- Attachment1
- AuxiliarySet
- AuxiliarySetResults
- Award
- AwardResults
- Biomarker
- BiomarkerResults
- ConfigurationFile
- ConfigurationFileResults
- ConstructLibrarySet
- ConstructLibrarySetResults
- CrisprModification
- CrisprModificationResults
- CuratedSet
- CuratedSetResults
- DegronModification
- DegronModificationResults
- Document
- DocumentResults
- Gene
- GeneLocation
- GeneLocation1
- GeneResults
- GenomeBrowserAnnotationFile
- GenomeBrowserAnnotationFileResults
- HumanDonor
- HumanDonorResults
- Image
- ImageFile
- ImageFileResults
- ImageResults
- InVitroSystem
- InVitroSystemResults
- IndexFile
- IndexFileResults
- InstitutionalCertificate
- InstitutionalCertificateResults
- Item
- ItemType
- Lab
- LabResults
- Limit
- Locus
- Locus1
- MatrixFile
- MatrixFileResults
- MeasurementSet
- MeasurementSetResults
- ModelFile
- ModelFileResults
- ModelSet
- ModelSetResults
- MultiplexedSample
- MultiplexedSampleResults
- NoResultsResponse
- NoResultsResponseColumnsValue
- NoResultsResponseFacetGroupsInner
- NoResultsResponseFacetsInner
- NoResultsResponseFacetsInnerTermsInner
- NoResultsResponseFiltersInner
- NoResultsResponseSortValue
- OpenReadingFrame
- OpenReadingFrameResults
- Page
- PageLayout
- PageLayoutComponents
- PageResults
- PhenotypeTerm
- PhenotypeTermResults
- PhenotypicFeature
- PhenotypicFeatureResults
- PlatformTerm
- PlatformTermResults
- PredictionSet
- PredictionSetResults
- PrimaryCell
- PrimaryCellResults
- Publication
- PublicationResults
- ReferenceFile
- ReferenceFileResults
- RelatedDonor
- RodentDonor
- RodentDonorResults
- SampleTerm
- SampleTermResults
- SearchFacet
- SearchResultItem
- SearchResults
- SequenceFile
- SequenceFileResults
- SignalFile
- SignalFileResults
- Software
- SoftwareResults
- SoftwareVersion
- SoftwareVersionResults
- Source
- SourceResults
- TabularFile
- TabularFileResults
- TechnicalSample
- TechnicalSampleResults
- Tile
- Tissue
- TissueResults
- Treatment
- TreatmentResults
- User
- UserResults
- WholeOrganism
- WholeOrganismResults
- Workflow
- WorkflowResults