This server is a FastAPI implementation of the Geocoder as a service. It exposes couple of endpoints which return the Geojson geometry. This server loads a file from the following source url:
Source URL:
Following are the endpoints exposed:
- GET /by_admin_units?admin_units=location_name
This GET request takes in a query parameter admin_units
and returns the Geojson geometry polygon if available else an empty dict.
- GET /by_country_name?country_name=country_name
This GET request takes in a query parameter country_name
and returns the Geojson geometry polygon if available else an empty dict.
Apart from the endpoint implementation, this server also runs a scheduled task that pulls the Zip file from the above source in a monthly (first day) basis. This ensures we are using a latest file for this service.
There are two environment variables that needs to be setup before the deployment. Check the file .env.sample
for reference.
- SERVICE_PORT: The port on which this server runs
- GPKG_DIR_BASE_PATH: The path of the directory where the download file(above) resides.
$ docker compose build
$ docker compose up -d
$ docker compose logs -f geocoding
We use CI and helm-charts to deploy the container in a pod through github actions in a Kubernetes environment.