A service that analyzes the log of the Robot Shop and provides insights on how to increase sells. This service is being built based on a microservices architecture. This project will have the analysis of the Payment service of the Robot Shop as its scope.
# Give permission to script.
chmod +x robot_shop.sh
# Run the script.
# The front-end of the robot shop will be available at:
- Installing
# Give permission to script.
chmod +x elastic_search.sh
# Run the script.
# The front-end of the elastic search will be available at:
- Setup
You will have to login into the elastic search interface. Use the following credentials:
user: elastic
password: changeme
Then you need to:
- Go to Discover.
- Create an index pattern with patthen:
. - Go to the next page and set
. - Go to Discover again, now you should be able to see the logs, once you upload then.
In order to work, mlog needs a few IPs, you must provide them on the setup_env.sh. Remember not to use localhost or, you must use your real IP. Remember to change the secret key value and whenever you change the setup_env.sh you must run the commands bellow.
# Allow setup_env.sh
chmod +x ./setup_env.sh
# Set the env variables
source ./setup_env.sh
# Build and Run the containers.
# Mlog will be available at
docker-compose up --build
- Docker
- Django Rest Framework
- Vue
- Elastic Search