Motech AtomFeed is an ATOM consumer implementation that is written for the Motech platform.
It consists of the following modules
- motech-atomfeed-consumer - A generic ATOM consumer built using an atom client that uses the motech scheduler to poll the configured server periodically.
- motech-atomfeed-consumer-bundle - An OSGI wrapper around the consumer module.
- motech-openmrs-integration - An use case implementation of how OpenMRS and Motech can communicate using ATOM.
To build:
- mvn compile
- mvn test
To install:
- Create a Postgres DB and update atomfeed-server/ with credentials.
- mvn install -P IT -DskipTests
To start up:
- Create the DB tables by running install (see above).
- Update atomfeed-standalone/src/main/resources/ with Postgres credentials.
- cd atomfeed-standalone
- mvn jetty:run -P IT
To integration test:
- mvn integration-test -P IT