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Jeff Squyres edited this page Mar 9, 2015 · 7 revisions

MPI Conformance

MPI 3.0

Open MPI is MPI-3.0 conformant as of v1.7.5.

Note: N/A means that the Forum ticket was for a text change with no impact on an implementation.


Forum Ticket Ticket Summary Status Owner
38 Completed matched probe/receive Completed Brian
109 Completed Nonblocking collective operations Completed (1.7.4) hjelmn
125 Completed Use of [] in output arrays Completed rhc
126 Completed Consistent use of [] for input arrays Completed (1.7.4) hjelmn
140 Completed Add const keyword to the C bindings Completed (1.7.4) hjelmn
204 Completed Query minor/implementation specific versions Completed
162 Completed MPI_CART_MAP with num_dims=0 Completed
168 Completed Nonblocking communicator duplication Completed (1.7.4) hjelmn
229 Completed New MPI-3 Fortran Support Completed (1.7.0) jsquyres
256 Completed MPI_PROC_NULL behavior for MPI_PROBE and MPI_IPROBE Completed (1.7.0)
258 Completed Sparse collectives on process topologies Completed (1.7.4) hjelmn
265 Completed Support for large counts using derived datatypes Completed (1.7.3)
266 Completed MPIT Tool Interface Completed (1.7.2)
270 Completed Updated RMA Chapter Completed (1.7.5) Nathan
271 Completed Functions to query MPI_Info object attached to windows and communicators Completed
274 Completed Matched probe language bindings Completed Brian
284 Completed Allocate a shared memory window Completed (1.7.5) Nathan
280 Completed Add a new datatype creation routine - MPI_TYPE_CREATE_HINDEXED_BLOCK Completed
286 Completed Noncollective communicator creation Completed (1.7.4) hjelmn
287 Completed MPI_COMM_SPLIT_TYPE functionality Completed Brian
299 Completed Change displs argument in neighborhood w collectives to MPI_Aint Completed (1.7.4) hjelmn
309 Completed RMA - Clarify usage of status for request-based RMA operations Completed (1.7.5) Nathan
313 Completed MPI_INIT & MPI_FINALIZE (and init info) Completed
328 Completed fix MPI_PROC_NULL behavior for mprobe/improbe/mrecv/imrecv Completed
388 Completed Fortran: Remove BIND(C) from mpi_f08 bindings Completed (1.7.4) jsquyres
390 Completed Fortran: Add new memory allocation interfaces Completed (1.7.4) jsquyres
158 N/A Clarification that MPI_CART_MAP and MPI_GRAPH_MAP are local calls N/A
182 N/A Use of word 'legal' N/A
185 N/A Mention C++ typedef deprecations N/A
187 N/A Grouping MPI_AINT, MPI_OFFSET, MPI_COUNT as Multi-language types N/A
192 N/A C++ binding for Dist_graph_neighbors_count is badly broken No C++ bindings in 3.0 (this is 2.2 errata)
215 N/A Missing parenthesis N/A
219 N/A MPI_MAX_OBJECT_NAME and MPI_TYPE/WIN_GET_NAME Looks ok in 1.7.x and trunk already
228 N/A MPIR Specification Technically, not part of MPI-3, but it's done anyway :-)
254 N/A Typo in description of MPI_GROUP_INCL N/A
262 N/A Typos in pt2pt chapter N/A
263 N/A Wrong formula for the upper bound N/A
272 N/A Remove non-blocking collective C++ bindings N/A
278 N/A Update examples to not use deprecated constructs N/A
279 N/A Make C++ bindings optional N/A
281 N/A Remove C++ bindings N/A
293 N/A K&R style on 6.7.6 N/A
294 N/A MPI_UNWEIGHTED should not be NULL N/A
298 N/A Adding clarification to MPI_WIN_LOCK_ALL N/A
300 N/A Fix issue with definition of nonblocking in One Sided Chapter N/A
303 N/A Move MPI-1 deprecated functions to "Removed Interfaces" N/A
305 N/A Update MPI_INTERCOMM_CREATE to use collective tag space N/A
308 N/A RMA - Remove sentence on offset in datatypes N/A
312 N/A Typo-correction in ALLTOALLV N/A
317 N/A correct error related to MPI_REQUEST_FREE N/A
321 N/A MPI_WAIT/TEST language unclear about non-pt2pt requests N/A
322 N/A Attribute copy functions: FLAG values in Fortran Completed

MPI 2.2

Open MPI is MPI-2.2 conformant as of v1.7.3.

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