ABAP® client library to use the watsonx.ai Runtime (formerly Watson Machine Learning) and the watsonx.ai APIs.
This is a community SDK written by ABAPers for the ABAPers in the Open Source community, to provide easy usage of IBM® watsonx™ services in innovation initiatives using the SAP® Business Technology Platform ABAP Environment. It is the choice and responsibility of application developers how this community SDK is used.
Additionally, as the ABAP SDK is a community release it is not updated with the same schedule as IBM-supported SDKs. Please see more information in Support and Feedback.
abap-sdk-nwas-x | abap-sdk-btp-x |
for SAP NetWeaver® AS ABAP 7.50+ | for SAP BTP ABAP Environment |
tested on SAP Business Suite and SAP S/4HANA on-premises edition | tested with SAP BTP ABAP Environment 2405 |
this repository |
Table of Contents
Version v1.2.0 of the SDK has been released - see what's changed in the migration guide.
- You need an IBM Cloud account.
The client library is provided as abapGit repository. Proceed as follows to clone the ABAP SDK code to your SAP system.
- Install the abapGit Plug-In for ADT.
- Use abapGit to clone the ABAP SDK Git repository into your SAP system.
- Assign the ABAP SDK to the package
when performing setup of the abapGit repository.
Communication between SAP and the IBM Cloud is secured by the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol, also known as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). SSL requires certificates that must be stored in the SAP BTP Certificate Trust List, which can be maintained through the SAP BTP ABAP Environment dashboard. Ensure that the DigiCert Global Root CA certificate is installed.
Before you can access a specific service from your SAP system, you must create a service instance in the IBM Cloud and obtain an API key. The API key can be shared among multiple end users of the SAP system, but you must ensure that the selected plan is sufficient to support the expected number of calls or the expected data volume.
All currently supported services support IAM authentication (see
below). Service credentials consist of an API key and a URL. Both the
API key and the URL are character values that need to be provided as parameters
and i_url
to method zcl_ibmx_service_ext=>get_instance
You can store the values with your application, but it is suggested to do that in an encrypted format. Using cloud services usually creates costs based on usage for the owner of the service instance, and anyone with the credentials can use the service instance at the owner's expenses. If you want to distribute the costs over multiple cost centers, you need to create a service instance and provide service credentials for each cost center separately.
Service credentials and other parameters that must be specified at
watsonx service wrapper ABAP class instantiation can also be provided
. This table has three keys:
Table Key | Description |
SERVICE | The ABAP class name without prefix ZCL_IBMX_ |
INSTANCE_UID | ID chosen by application developer that must be provided by application as parameter to method zcl_ibmx_service_ext=>get_instance() |
PARAM | The parameter name |
List of configuration parameters in table ZIBMX_CONFIG
Parameter Name | Default Value | Description |
URL | service-dependent | watsonx service url |
APIKEY | watsonx service API keys | |
AUTH_NAME | service-dependent | Authorization, IAM or basicAuth |
Identity and Access Management (IAM) is a bearer-token based
authentication method. Token management is either performed by the
ABAP SDK or must be implemented by the SDK user.
If a value for
is provided by the caller in method
, the ABAP SDK generates a
bearer-token under the cover when needed and refreshes it when it is
about to expire.
If i_apikey
is not provided for method
, the ABAP SDK user must
implement an individual token management. Before a service method is
called the first time, a valid bearer-token must be provided to the
watsonx service wrapper ABAP class instance as follows:
lo_service_class->set_bearer_token( i_bearer_token = '...' ).
Afterwards, service methods can be called as long as the provided token is valid. When the token has expired, the method above must be called again with a new (refreshed) bearer-token as parameter.
The client library is delivered as package ZIBMX. Once the Git
repository has been cloned to the SAP system, a watsonx service
instance is wrapped by an ABAP class instance.
The following
watsonx services are currently supported:
Service | ABAP Class Name |
watsonx.ai Runtime | ZCL_IBMX_WML_V4 |
watsonx.ai | ZCL_IBMX_WATSONX_AI_ML_V1 |
Using the client library requires two steps:
- Create an instance of the watsonx service wrapper ABAP class by
calling method
lo_service_class type <ABAP Class Name>.
i_url = <url>
i_apikey = <api key>
eo_instance = lo_service_class ).
- Call the watsonx service API endpoint by invoking the corresponding class method.
is_input = ...
es_output = ... ).
catch zcx_ibmx_service_exception into data(lo_service_exception).
watsonx.ai Runtime Example
* This sample code deploys arbitrary Python code as Python function on a watsonx deployment space
* and calls the deployed function.
* It also returns a CURL command that can be called to invoke the function endpoint url.
* Copy this code into
* - an ABAP report and remove all comment prefixes "[PRG]
* - a Console Application (RAP) and remove all comment prefixes "[RAP]
* Adjust credentials and run code.
" Prerequisite: watsonx deployment space must be created and id specified here:
c_url type string value `https://eu-de.ml.cloud.ibm.com`, " <- ADJUST
c_apikey type string value `X7ZiqsaYv9X...OAYFxxhAno`, " <- ADJUST
c_space_id type string value `78f395be-...-a1d1abb8644b`, " <- ADJUST
c_function_name type string value `demo-python-function`,
c_serving_name type string value `abapsdk_test`,
c_version type string value `2023-07-07`.
" convert Python function code to GZIP file (ZIP with file header 0x04034b50 is not supported)
data(lx_code) = zcl_ibmx_service=>convert_string_to_utf8(
i_string =
`def score(input_data):` && cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline &&
` # some Python code` && cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline &&
` return {'predictions': [{'values': [['SUCCESS (ABAP SDK used for deployment)']]}]}`
raw_in = lx_code
gzip_out = data(lx_gzipfile)
catch cx_root into data(lo_zip_exception).
"[RAP] out->write( lo_zip_exception->get_longtext( ) ). exit.
"[PRG] message lo_zip_exception type 'E'.
" instantiate watsonx.ai Runtime wrapper class (explicit type declaration is required)
data: lo_wml type ref to zcl_ibmx_wml_v4.
i_url = c_url
i_apikey = c_apikey
i_version = c_version
eo_instance = lo_wml ).
" create Python function as asset in watsonx deployment space
i_functionentityrequest = value zcl_ibmx_wml_v4=>t_function_entity_request(
name = c_function_name
space_id = c_space_id
type = `Python`
software_spec = value zcl_ibmx_wml_v4=>t_software_spec_rel(
name = `runtime-23.1-py3.10`
e_response = data(ls_result_create)
catch zcx_ibmx_service_exception into data(lo_create_exception).
"[RAP] out->write( lo_create_exception->get_longtext( ) ). exit.
"[PRG] message lo_create_exception type 'E'.
data(lv_function_id) = ls_result_create-metadata-id.
" upload Python function code
i_function_id = lv_function_id
i_space_id = c_space_id
i_upload_code = lx_gzipfile
i_contenttype = 'application/gzip'
e_response = data(ls_result_upload)
catch zcx_ibmx_service_exception into data(lo_upload_exception).
"[RAP] out->write( lo_upload_exception->get_longtext( ) ). exit.
"[PRG] message lo_upload_exception type 'E'.
" deploy Python function
i_deploymententityrequest = value zcl_ibmx_wml_v4=>t_deployment_entity_request(
space_id = c_space_id
name = `Deployment for ` && c_function_name
asset = value zcl_ibmx_wml_v4=>t_rel(
id = lv_function_id
hardware_spec = value zcl_ibmx_wml_v4=>t_hardware_spec(
name = 'S'
online = value zcl_ibmx_wml_v4=>t_online_request(
parameters = value zcl_ibmx_wml_v4=>t_online_parameters(
serving_name = c_serving_name
e_response = data(ls_deployment_result)
catch zcx_ibmx_service_exception into data(lo_deployment_exception).
" http status 400 (bad request) -> delete existing deployment, if exists, and retry
"[RAP] out->write( lo_deployment_exception->get_longtext( ) ). exit.
"[PRG] message lo_deployment_exception type 'E'.
data(lv_deployment_id) = ls_deployment_result-metadata-id.
" wait until deployment is initialized
do 20 times.
i_space_id = c_space_id
i_deployment_id = lv_deployment_id
e_response = data(ls_deployment)
catch zcx_ibmx_service_exception into data(lo_deployment_get_exception).
"[RAP] out->write( lo_deployment_get_exception->get_longtext( ) ). exit.
"[PRG] message lo_deployment_get_exception type 'E'.
if not ls_deployment-entity-status-state eq 'initializing'.
wait up to 5 seconds.
" call Python function endpoint with dummy input data
i_deployment_id = lv_deployment_id
i_syncscoringdata = value zcl_ibmx_wml_v4=>t_sync_scoring_data(
input_data = value #(
( value zcl_ibmx_wml_v4=>t_sync_scoring_data_item(
fields = value #( ( `dummy` ) )
values = value #( ( value #( ( ref #( `dummy` ) ) ) ) )
) ) ) )
e_response = data(ls_function_response)
catch zcx_ibmx_service_exception into data(lo_predict_exception).
"[RAP] out->write( lo_predict_exception->get_longtext( ) ). exit.
"[PRG] message lo_predict_exception type 'E'.
" extract message from function response
data(lr_msg) = ls_function_response-predictions[ 1 ]-values[ 1 ][ 1 ].
assign lr_msg->* to field-symbol(<lfs_msg>).
catch cx_sy_itab_line_not_found into data(lo_line_not_found_exception).
"[RAP] out->write( lo_line_not_found_exception->get_longtext( ) ). exit.
"[PRG] message lo_line_not_found_exception type 'E'.
" compile CURL command to test deployment endpoint
data(lv_curl_command) =
`curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer ${IAM_ACCESS_TOKEN}" `
&& `-d '{ "input_data": [{"fields": ["dummy"], "values": [["dummy"]]}] }' `
&& `"` && ls_deployment-entity-status-inference[ 1 ]-url && `?version=` && c_version && `"`.
" write success message
data(lv_msg) = `Received message "` && <lfs_msg> && `" from deployed Python function. Try CURL command below.`.
"[RAP] out->write( lv_msg ).
"[RAP] out->write( lv_curl_command ).
"[PRG] write: lv_msg.
"[PRG] write: / lv_curl_command.
watsonx.ai Example
* This sample code runs text generation with a watsonx.ai foundation model.
* Copy this code into
* - an ABAP report and remove all comment prefixes "[PRG]
* - a Console Application (RAP) and remove all comment prefixes "[RAP]
* Adjust credentials and run code.
" instantiate watsonx.ai wrapper class (explicit type declaration is required)
data: lo_watsonx_ai type ref to zcl_ibmx_watsonx_ai_ml_v1.
i_url = 'https://eu-de.ml.cloud.ibm.com' " <- ADJUST
i_apikey = 'X7ZiqsanCt1sYv...ENYbFFfOAtAno' " <- ADJUST
i_version = '2023-05-29'
eo_instance = lo_watsonx_ai ).
" run text generation
data(lv_prompt) = `The highest mountain in Europe is`.
i_textgenrequest = value zcl_ibmx_watsonx_ai_ml_v1=>t_text_gen_request(
" prompt
input = lv_prompt
" model parameters
model_id = 'ibm/granite-13b-chat-v2'
parameters = value zcl_ibmx_watsonx_ai_ml_v1=>t_text_gen_parameters(
decoding_method = 'greedy'
max_new_tokens = 20
repetition_penalty = '1.05'
stop_sequences = value #( ( `. ` ) ) " stop after first sentence
project_id = '3e606d0c-...-4e459b7c38' " <- ADJUST
e_response = data(ls_generated_document) ).
catch zcx_ibmx_service_exception into data(lo_service_exception).
"[RAP] out->write( lo_service_exception->get_longtext( ) ). exit.
"[PRG] message lo_service_exception type 'E'.
" display generated text
"[RAP] out->write( lv_prompt ).
"[PRG] write lv_prompt.
loop at ls_generated_document-results into data(ls_result).
"[RAP] out->write( ls_result-generated_text ).
"[PRG] write / ls_result-generated_text.
GitHub Pages contain the ABAP Client Library for watsonx API Reference.
The ABAP SDK is a community SDK for IBM watsonx, created by the IBM watsonx development community and SAP's ABAP development community – written by ABAPers from IBM Systems. Therefore, as a community release it is not updated with the same schedule as IBM-supported SDKs and does not include support by IBM.
The code in this repository is generated from the OpenAPI specs of the supported services. Hence, pull requests must not be integrated directly into the code. If you would like to request a new feature or report a bug, please raise an issue instead of sending a pull request.
This library is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.