Releases: IARCbioinfo/RNAseq-nf
Releases · IARCbioinfo/RNAseq-nf
Minor release not affecting the program, just added tower.yml file for nextflow tower integration
- added support for single-end fastq files (with both input_file and input_folder, see readme for info)
- simplified conda dependencies and set conda config to "strict" channel priority in Dockerfile to accelerate build
- improve intermediate and output file naming and read group handling in input_file mode
- add automated tests for input_file mode
- update software versions in conda, Docker, and Singularity
- Fixed STAR_mapqUnique parameter bug
- Added Singularity container
- Fixed profiles for docker and singularity releases
RNAseq-nf release 2.1
- added conda environment
- added input_file mode that handles multiplexed samples
- moved to GATK4 (beware, GATK versions < 4 not supported)
- added more information in multiqc reports, including possibility to provide a config file
- added multi-thread option for cutadapt (beware, cutadapt versions < 1.15 not supported)
- added RSeQC reports (clipping profile and junction saturation), including lane specific reports in case of multiplexed samples
First release of IARCbioinfo's RNA seq pre-processing and analysis workflow