Releases: HyroVitalyProtago/AirCodea
Releases · HyroVitalyProtago/AirCodea
AirCodea is my attempt to reproduce AirCode in Codea.
It's actually a prototype with some ideas that are not fully implemented.
It runs a web server based on expressLua (my partial implementation of expressJS but in Lua) with coroutines.
You can remix this project to create your own AirCodea.
Some additional features compared to AirCode:
- You can play/pause (if you use the update callback), enable/disable autoplay and autosave
- Alt-s to save the project (only useful if autosaved is disabled)
- Alt-r to restart the project
- Alt-w to remove the current project tab
- only project names without spaces, accents and special characters like '_' works for now
- only projects that you have created are availables