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WSD-Assignment-03: Saramin Job Posting Backend

Project Description

This project implements a backend server to scrape job postings from Saramin, store them in MongoDB, and provide RESTful APIs for job management. It includes JWT-based authentication and is documented with Swagger.


  • Web scraping to collect job postings
  • MongoDB database for storing job data
  • REST API for job posting management, user authentication, and job applications
  • JWT-based authentication for secure access
  • API documentation using Swagger
  • Cloud deployment on JCloud

Installation and Setup

1. Prerequisites

  • Node.js (v16 or above)
  • MongoDB (running locally or cloud-based)
  • npm or yarn package manager

2. Install Dependencies

npm install

3. Configure Environment Variables

Create a .env file in the project root with the following content:


4. Start the Server

npm start

The server will run at http://localhost:3000.

5. Access Swagger API Documentation

Visit the following URL for API documentation:


File Structure

├── src/
│   ├── app.js                 # Main entry point for the application
│   ├── swagger.js             # Swagger configuration
│   ├── routes/                # REST API routes
│   │   ├── auth.js            # User authentication routes
│   │   ├── jobs.js            # Job posting routes
│   │   ├── applications.js    # Job application routes
│   │   ├── bookmarks.js       # Bookmark routes
│   ├── models/                # MongoDB models
│   │   ├── User.js            # User model
│   │   ├── Job.js             # Job model
│   │   ├── Application.js     # Application model
│   │   ├── Bookmark.js        # Bookmark model
├── package.json               # Node.js dependencies and scripts
├── .env                       # Environment configuration
├──                  # Project documentation

REST API Endpoints

Authentication (/auth)

Method Endpoint Description
POST /auth/register Register a new user
POST /auth/login Login and get JWT token

Job Postings (/jobs)

Method Endpoint Description
GET /jobs Get all job postings
GET /jobs/:id Get a specific job posting
POST /jobs Add a new job posting
PUT /jobs/:id Update a job posting
DELETE /jobs/:id Delete a job posting

Applications (/applications)

Method Endpoint Description
POST /applications Submit a job application
GET /applications Get all applications by user
DELETE /applications/:id Cancel an application

Bookmarks (/bookmarks)

Method Endpoint Description
POST /bookmarks Add or remove a bookmark
GET /bookmarks Get all bookmarks by user


This project can be deployed on JCloud or any cloud provider. For JCloud deployment:

  1. Transfer project files to JCloud:
    scp -r . ubuntu@<your-jcloud-ip>:/home/ubuntu/project
  2. SSH into the server:
    ssh ubuntu@<your-jcloud-ip>
  3. Install dependencies and start the server:
    npm install
    nohup npm start > server.log 2>&1 &

Development Notes

  • Ensure MongoDB is running locally or via a cloud provider (e.g., MongoDB Atlas).
  • Use nodemon during development for automatic server restarts:
    npm run dev

Example API Request

Register a User

POST /auth/register
Content-Type: application/json

    "email": "[email protected]",
    "password": "securepassword"

Swagger Documentation

You can access Swagger documentation at:




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