Welcome to my portfolio website repository! This project showcases my work, skills, and experiences with a modern, responsive design built using React, Vite, and Mantine UI. The website is automatically deployed on GitHub Pages at https://hxndev.github.io/.
- Demo
- Features
- Technologies
- Installation
- Usage
- Deployment
- Project Structure
- Performance Optimizations
- Accessibility
- Contributing
- License
- Contact
Visit the live website: https://hxndev.github.io/
Notable projects:
- JobFit - AI Job Matching Platform - Live demo available!
- Responsive Design: Adapts seamlessly to mobile, tablet, and desktop screens.
- Project Showcase: Explore detailed project pages with filtering options by category.
- Smooth Animations: Enjoy dynamic transitions powered by GSAP with performance optimization.
- Modern UI: Crafted with Mantine UI and Tabler Icons for a sleek look.
- Dark/Light Theme: Toggle between dark and light modes for comfortable viewing.
- Optimized Performance: Built with Vite for lightning-fast builds and performance.
- Automated Deployment: GitHub Actions ensure your changes are live as soon as you push to the main branch.
- Quantum-Inspired Design: Custom color system based on dynamic interactions.
- React 18: For building interactive user interfaces.
- Vite: A modern build tool for fast development.
- React Router 7: For seamless client-side routing.
- Mantine UI 7: For a robust and stylish component library.
- GSAP: For creating smooth, high-performance animations.
- GitHub Actions: Automating CI/CD and deployments.
- GitHub Pages: Hosting the live website.
- ESLint/Prettier: For code quality and consistent formatting.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/HxnDev/hxndev.github.io.git cd hxndev.github.io
Install dependencies:
npm install
Start the development server with hot reloading:
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to view the website.
Generate an optimized production build:
npm run build
The build output will be located in the dist
To preview the production build locally:
npm run preview
# Check formatting
npm run format:check
# Fix formatting issues
npm run format
# Check for linting issues
npm run lint
# Run all checks
npm run check
This project is configured for automated deployment using GitHub Actions. Every push to the main
branch triggers a build and deploys the dist
folder to the gh-pages
Live Website: https://hxndev.github.io/
The deployment workflow is defined in .github/workflows/deploy.yml
├── .github/workflows/ # GitHub Actions workflow for deployment
├── public/ # Public assets and static files
├── src/
│ ├── animations/ # Animation configurations and utilities
│ ├── components/ # Reusable React components
│ │ ├── about/ # About page components
│ │ ├── common/ # Shared components
│ │ ├── contact/ # Contact page components
│ │ ├── home/ # Home page components
│ │ ├── projects/ # Project components
│ │ └── utils/ # Component utilities
│ ├── context/ # React context providers
│ ├── data/ # Static data (projects.json)
│ ├── hooks/ # Custom React hooks
│ ├── pages/ # Page components
│ ├── styles/ # Global styles and effects
│ ├── theme/ # Theme configuration
│ ├── App.jsx # Main application component
│ └── main.jsx # Entry point for React
├── index.html # HTML template
├── package.json # Project configuration
├── vite.config.js # Vite configuration
├── .eslintrc.cjs # ESLint configuration
├── .prettierrc # Prettier configuration
└── README.md # This file
This portfolio includes several performance optimizations:
- Code Splitting: Lazy loading of page components.
- Asset Preloading: Critical assets are preloaded for faster initial rendering.
- Reduced Motion Support: Respects user preferences for reduced motion.
- Responsive Images: Optimized images with fallbacks.
- GSAP Animations: Optimized animations with hardware acceleration.
- Adaptive Features: Adjusts features based on device capabilities.
The portfolio is built with accessibility in mind:
- Semantic HTML: Proper HTML structure for better screen reader support.
- Keyboard Navigation: All interactive elements are keyboard-accessible.
- Color Contrast: Meets WCAG 2.1 guidelines for color contrast.
- Reduced Motion: Respects user preferences for reduced motion.
- Focus Management: Proper focus handling for navigation.
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Please check the issues page for ideas or open a new issue if you have a suggestion.
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
Hassan Shahzad
Email: [email protected]
LinkedIn: hassan-shahzad-2a6617212
GitHub: HxnDev
Portfolio: https://hxndev.github.io/