18.12.20: Beginning of Project, working on chess board. Created a 8x8 board, and can put images on the spaces.
19.12.20: Individual Spaces can be selected. Rook Placement logic implemented. Amount of moves is now counted. Timer implemented.
20.12.20: Created Win state for game. Win state creates a pop up. Created Homepage.
21.12.20: Created Login page(Logic not implemented). Implemented Settings Page and Dark mode. User page exists. Register Page exists. Game select page exists. Game page exists.
22.12.20: Working on Database. Put Project on Github. Added data to Database for testing
23.12.20: Managed to access Postgresql database through Node.js (wasted a whole day getting this to work, had to reinstall Postgresql)
24.12.20: Implemented proper Login Page logic Implemented proper results Page logic
25.12.20: Queen placement logic implemented Proper Register Page Logic implemented
28.12.20: Saving Score to Database implemented