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Using 3D printing technology to radically change the lives of those in need in Colombia.

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  1. ElMedalloBionicArm ElMedalloBionicArm Public

    The world's first truly open-source low-cost bionic arm. Developed by the Colombian Non-Governmental Organisation e-NABLE Medellín

    C++ 16 6

  2. Distance-Sensing-Arm-Prosthetic-Prototype Distance-Sensing-Arm-Prosthetic-Prototype Public

    The Objective is to create a new arm prosthetic with an intergrated range finding and audio feedback system to assist blind and vissually impaired upper limb amputees.

    C++ 2 1

  3. El-Medallo-Bionic-Arm-version-Espa-ol- El-Medallo-Bionic-Arm-version-Espa-ol- Public


  4. RoboticArmV2Espanol RoboticArmV2Espanol Public

    1 2

  5. RoboticArmV3 RoboticArmV3 Public

    Here you can find documentation on third version of the world's first truly open-source low-cost bionic arm by e-NABLE Medellín, now called Humanos3D

    C++ 1

  6. RoboticArmV2 RoboticArmV2 Public

    Here you can find documentation on second version of the world's first truly open-source low-cost bionic arm by e-NABLE Medellín, now called Humanos3D



Showing 8 of 8 repositories
  • RoboticArmV2 Public

    Here you can find documentation on second version of the world's first truly open-source low-cost bionic arm by e-NABLE Medellín, now called Humanos3D

    Humanos3D/RoboticArmV2’s past year of commit activity
    0 1 0 0 Updated Jan 18, 2021
  • RoboticArmV3 Public

    Here you can find documentation on third version of the world's first truly open-source low-cost bionic arm by e-NABLE Medellín, now called Humanos3D

    Humanos3D/RoboticArmV3’s past year of commit activity
    C++ 1 0 0 0 Updated Nov 30, 2020
  • El-Cefiro Public

    Here you can find documentation on the latest design of "El Céfiro" by Humanos3D (completed September 2020).

    Humanos3D/El-Cefiro’s past year of commit activity
    C++ 0 0 0 0 Updated Nov 18, 2020
  • Humanos3D/ElMedalloBionicArmEspanol’s past year of commit activity
    0 0 0 0 Updated Jul 22, 2020
  • Humanos3D/RoboticArmV2Espanol’s past year of commit activity
    1 2 0 0 Updated Jul 22, 2020
  • ElMedalloBionicArm Public

    The world's first truly open-source low-cost bionic arm. Developed by the Colombian Non-Governmental Organisation e-NABLE Medellín

    Humanos3D/ElMedalloBionicArm’s past year of commit activity
    C++ 16 6 1 0 Updated Jul 22, 2020
  • Distance-Sensing-Arm-Prosthetic-Prototype Public

    The Objective is to create a new arm prosthetic with an intergrated range finding and audio feedback system to assist blind and vissually impaired upper limb amputees.

    Humanos3D/Distance-Sensing-Arm-Prosthetic-Prototype’s past year of commit activity
    C++ 2 1 2 (1 issue needs help) 0 Updated Dec 12, 2019
  • Humanos3D/El-Medallo-Bionic-Arm-version-Espa-ol-’s past year of commit activity
    1 0 0 0 Updated Jul 5, 2019


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