This is a Mod Pack for Velociti Entertainments Private MineCraft Server. We currently run 51 Mods & 20 Mod Dependencies for a total of 71 Mods.
- Download the .zip.
- Extract the .zip or Open the .zip.
- Use Images and Crafting Guides to see how stuff is made.
- Once in-game make sure all your controls are setup. Some Mods Conflict with each other on the Controls.
- Double Click on fabric-installer-0.11.2.jar
- On Client Tab:
- 2.1) MineCraft Version: 1.20.1
- 2.2) Leave everything else at Default
- 2.3) Click Install
- 2.4) Once Install has Finished Exit the Installer
- Then go to your MineCraft Mods folder. appdata > roaming > .minecraft > mods
- Place all the Mods into the Mods Folder
- Launch MineCraft & go to Installations
- Hover over fabric-loader-1.20.1 & Click on the 3 Dots on the Right & then select Edit
- Click on More Options at the Bottom & for JVM Arguments make sure the -Xmx says something like:
- 7.1) -Xmx4G
- 7.2) Changing the Number from 2 or 4 is setting the max Allocated Ram that Minecraft can use. Its best to set a number between 4-8. But it depends on how much ram you PC has. I recommend setting it to use at least Half of what your Ram is.
- Click on Save & Now go back to the Play Tab.
- Make sure the Version selected is fabric-loader-1.20.1 & Click Play
- Iris - Alternative to Optifine
- Ad Astra - Space Mod ITEMS
- Advanced XRay - Adds XRay
- AllStackable - Ability to set Custom Stack Sizes
- Animal Feeding Trough - Animal Feeding Trough ITEMS
- Another Furniture - Adds Furniture ITEMS
- Auto Third Person - Auto Third Person
- Botany Pots - Botany Pots ITEMS
- Carry On - Ability to Carry Blocks if both Hands are Empty
- Clumps - Makes all XP group together
- Continuity - Removes the Lines from Blocks & Glass
- Custom Portals - Ability to create Custom Portals ITEMS
- Dark Loading Screen - Dark Loading Screen
- Dynamic Crosshair - Changing Crosshair
- Dynamic Crosshair Compat
- Easy Elytra Takeoff - Makes taking off in Elytra's easier NEW
- Elytra Slot - Adds Elytra Slot so you can where Elytra & Armor
- Elytra Trims - Adds Trims to Elytra's just like Armor NEW ITEMS
- EMI - Shows all Blocks on Right Side & Ability to Recipes easier
- Enchantment Descriptions - Adds Descriptions on Enchantments
- Enhanced Mob Spawners - Ability to destroy Mob Spawners with Silk Touch ITEMS
- Exline's Furniture Mod - Adds Furniture ITEMS
- FerriteCore - Performance Mod for Memory Usage
- Grind Enchantments - Ability to remove Enchantments from items
- Horse Stats Vanilla - Shows Horse Stats
- Iam Music Player - Adds Music Player ITEMS
- Immersive Paintings - Multiple Paintings ITEMS
- JourneyMap - Adds Map to see where you have been
- LambDynamicLights - Makes carried torches light up around Player
- Lightest Lamps - Adds light blocks from 16-32 + More ITEMS
- Mod Menu - Mod Menu to Config Mods in-game
- ModernFix - Performance Mod All-In-One
- Mouse Tweaks - Adds Various Mouse Options
- Nyf's Spiders - Allows Spiders to crawl anywhere
- Planting Dirt for Saplings - Allows for true Auto Farming NEW
- Recipe Book is Pain - Makes the Recipe Book Copy Creative Tabs
- Smooth Chunk Save - Performance Mod that Makes saving Chunks better
- Paladin's Furniture - Adds Furniture ITEMS
- Presence Footsteps - Adds Footstep sounds
- Simple Uncrafting Table - Ability to uncraft items ITEMS
- Sound Physics Remastered - Ability to customize sounds
- Spark - Performance Profiler for Debugging problems
- Starter Kit - Adds starter kit for new players
- Tax Free Levels - Pay the same amount of XP no matter what level you are
- ToolTipFix - Makes Descriptions fit on Screen
- Traveler's Backpack - Adds a Backpack ITEMS
- Traveler's Titles - Shows Titles for Biomes that you enter
- Universale Graves - Puts all items & XP into a Grave when you die
- WI Zoom - Adds Zoom
- Wireless Redstone RE - Adds Wireless Redstone NEW ITEMS
- WorldEdit - Adds stuff for Admins
- Architectury API - (Animal Feeding Trough, Iam Music Player)
- Bookshelf - (Botany Pots, Enchantment Descriptions)
- Botarium - (Ad Astra)
- Cardinal Components - (Traveler's Backpack)
- Cloth Config API - (All Main Mods)
- Collective - (Easy Elytra Takeoff, Starter Kit)
- Command Config Lib - (Elytra Trims)
- CompleteConfig - (Custom Portals)
- Cupboard - (Smooth Chunk Save)
- Fabric API - (All Main Mods)
- Indium - (Continuity)
- MCPitanLibarch - (Simple Uncrafting Table)
- Otyacraft Engine - (Iam Music Player)
- Patchouli - (Optional Dependency)
- Polymer - (EMI)
- Resourceful Config - (Ad Astra)
- Resourceful Lib - (Ad Astra)
- Sodium - (Indium)
- Trinkets - (Elytra Slot)
- YUNG's API - (Traveler's Titles)
VENT_MineCraftForge_ModPack - Mod Pack for Velociti Entertainments MineCraft Server.
Copyright (C) 2025 Velociti Entertainment
This program Is free software: you can redistribute it And/Or modify it under the terms Of the GNU General Public License As published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 Of the License, Or (at your option) any later version.
This program Is distributed In the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty Of MERCHANTABILITY Or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License For more details.
You should have received a copy Of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If Not, see