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Version 1.06 Model System Rules
Intellectual Property: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, © 2013. Massachusetts Institute of Technology licenses distribution and re-use of this material under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US, provided the text of legal notices including attributions, disclaimers and document information are unchanged and conspicuously displayed on each copy or derivative works.
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Attributions and Disclaimer: This work is based upon work supported by the Defense Advance Research Project Agency (DARPA) and Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific under Contract N66001-11-C-4006. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Defense Advance Research project Agency (DARPA) and Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific.
Document Information: Version 1.06; June 20, 2013; Comments to: [email protected]; Authoritative stable release version of the System Rules is published at the MIT Human Dynamics Lab openPDS project site: http://openpds.media.mit.edu/#rules; The System Rules project background and news site: http://ecitizen.mit.edu/modelrules; The current exploratory drafts and alternative provisions under consideration in the MIT Human Dynamics Lab GitHub Repository: https://github.com/HumanDynamics/SystemRules
This document provides Trust Framework System Rules for the provision of Personal Data and Individual Identity services. The architecture and model followed by these System Rules enables interoperability at the business, legal and technical dimensions, and ensures that each of those dimensions is expressly aligned, harmonized, and integrated.
Specifically, these System Rules anticipate and are tailored to support a prospective production grade roll out of openPDS and Funf software for Reality Analysis, and more generally, as an example of how System Rules following this model can enable and accelerate achieving the broader goal of a Personal Data Ecology. Please note that for purposes of presenting a complete and coherent reference example, “placeholders” and “hooks ” have been used for names of parties or business services. For future commercial or production grade use of these Rules, implementers would replace the example parties, service descriptions, etc., with the respective names and applicable terms specific to the business roles and relationships agreed among the parties.
1.1 Scope and Purpose
These System Rules apply to the use of the Personal Data and Individual Identity System by Individual Users, Third Party Service Providers and the System Provider, individually and in any combination. These Rules are intended and shall be interpreted to ensure that the access and interoperability enabled for access to and sharing of personal data is at all times subject to privacy protection and fair information practices.
The purpose of the System is to enable a means for individual human beings to simply, efficiently, securely and effectively exercise their rights to store and keep private their own personal data and to share access to such data by their express consent and authorization through System Services. The System is specifically intended to empower individual users to not only grant or not grant such authorizations, but also to monitor, manage and modify or revoke such access over time. The simple, efficient, secure and effective Personal Data Services are also intended to enable Third Party Service Providers to provide added value to individual Participants and derive value from access to permission-based data access in an expanded marketplace. Leveraging the capability of API’s for Third Party apps under a common rule set and services enhances the value of the system to all parties while ensuring privacy.
The issuance of individual identity credentials and related System Services is likewise intended to empower individual Participant rights and expectations of autonomy and control of their own digital identity. The information comprising the digital identifiers, attributes, tokens and other similar identity data is also considered personal data of a particularly sensitive and valuable nature, hence a compatible and beneficial set of Services to be included within this System and subject to these Rules .
The focus of these Rules is to standardize essential interface and interoperability implementation requirements necessary to ensure expected outcomes by all Parties while encouraging wide latitude for individually agreed interactions and competitively evolving innovation. These System Rules are intended to provide a reliable and efficient method of achieving the purpose of the System.
1.2 Parties and Roles
These System Rules are applied by and to the Parties registered as current Participants in the System Registry. Each Party, in order to be approved as a Participant, must contractually assent to the Participation Agreement, including the Terms of Agreement corresponding to the Role or Roles that Party will conduct within the System and specifically including acceptance of the rights, obligations and functions allocated to the Role or Roles agreed by each Party:
1.2.1 Individual Participant
An individual human being who has contractually assented to Terms of Agreement and is a customer holding a valid account with the Personal Data Store. An Individual Participant may use his or her account to request, accept and use a Grant of Authorization to access the Personal Data of another Principal Participant user.
Any individual human who contractually assents to the Terms of Agreement is eligible to apply for and hold an Account on the System. Services or other premium functions offered on a subscription, one-time fee or other billing basis are available subject to fulfillment of applicable payment terms as agreed by the Individual User.
1.2.2 Principal Participant
An individual human who has contractually assented to Terms of Agreement and is a customer holding a valid account with the Personal Data Store offered by the System Provider under these Rules. A Principal Participant may use his or her account to store his or her own Personal Data on the System and to Grant Authorization for accessing that Personal Data to Third Party Service Providers and/or to individual Participants.
1.2.3 System Provider
The Party or Parties responsible for the Personal Data System, comprised of the Personal Data Store and Services. The System Provider promulgates these System Rules.
1.2.4 Third Party Service Providers
The Party or Parties that operate and provide Third Party Services approved for use with the System and in accordance with these Rules. Only Third Party Providers that have been approved by the System Provider and contractually assented to the Participation Agreement, including the Terms of Agreement, are eligible to Participate in the System. Only an Approved Third Party Service Provider is eligible to receive the tokens necessary to use a Grant of Authorization by an Individual User or otherwise to use an Approved Scope and Grant Type for access of any kind to data or other resources within or through the System or otherwise subject to these Rules.
1.3 System Services
1.3.1 Service Lifecycle
Approval by the System Provider is required as a precondition to the offering of any Service though this System. Any approved Service that is currently offered through the System is enumerated in Rule 1.3.2 and is available in accordance with the technical specifications defined under Rule 3.2 and subject to all relevant Rules and used subject to the relevant provisions of the Terms of Agreement of any Participant using the Service.
1.3.2 System Service
The following Services are approved and provisioned for use by or with the System, subject to these Rules: "Personal Data Storage and Archive" services, “Personal Data Collection and Import” services, "Personal Data Sharing Control" services, “ Analytics and Visualization" services, and “Personal Data Export and Deletion” services.
1.4 Recording and Reporting
Any Recording or Reporting requirement under these Rules must result in the logging of the required record at the System Registry (or other facility provided by the System Provider) within the time prescribed or if no time is prescribed or if extenuating circumstances are permitted under these Rules, it shall be logged as soon as practicable.
Every Third Party Service must be implemented so as to ensure creation, accuracy, integrity, preservation and accessibility of Required Records such that upon review an objectively verifiable account can be made of the relevant transactions or other actions, the salient terms (i.e. the data accessed, modified or deleted or other essential terms) the parties involved, the relevant times, and the applicable Terms of Agreement and Terms of Authorization.
1.5 Use of System Logo and Marketing
Any use of the System Logo, and any marketing, advertising or other public communications referencing approved Third Party Provider status or other affiliation with this System is prohibited unless explicitly permitted in the applicable Terms of Agreement and only for such time as the Terms of Agreement are in effect.
2.1 Scope and Application
2.1.1 Promulgation of Rules
The content comprising the “System Rules” duly promulgated by the System Provider in accordance with these Rules, is the formal and binding normative version of these Rules as of the moment of publication and until the moment of publication of a subsequent version or for such period of time as provided under these Rules.
2.1.2 Order of Precedence
In the event of a conflict between the provisions of these Rules and the provisions of the Terms of Agreement between any Parties to these Rules, then the provisions of these Rules shall prevail.
In the event of a conflict between the terms of these Rules and an Independent Commercial Contract between any Parties to these Rules, then, as between a Principal Participant and a Third Party Service Provider, the provisions of the applicable Terms of Authorization incorporated by reference into the Parties Terms of Agreement shall prevail, and otherwise the provision of the Independent Commercial Contract shall prevail.
2.2 Rights and Obligations of Participants
2.2.1 General Obligation
All Participants agree to abide by the terms and act in accordance with these Rules and adhere to respect each Principal Participant’s ownership and control rights to their own Personal Data stored in or accessible through this System.
2.2.2 Protection and Promotion of Individual Participant Identity and Data Rights
The System Provider is responsible for safeguarding the Individual Participant’s elemental rights to his or her own individual identity and ownership of their personal data and may as appropriate protect and defend such rights and as needed represent the interests of such Participant vis-a-vis external parties when such rights are threatened.
2.2.3 Minimum Required Obligations of Third Party Providers to individual Participants
Each Third Party Provider agrees to comply with the Terms of Authorization between itself and each individual Participant from whom the Third Party Provider has received a Grant of Authorization for access to personal data of such Participant
To ensure the purpose of this System and expectations of individual Participants are met, every Third Party Provider must correctly and completely implement the Approved Scopes and Grant Types and corresponding obligations and stipulations for each such Scope and Grant. Furthermore, every Third Party Provider must agree to accept that the legal rights and obligations corresponding to each Approved Scopes and Grant Types are contractually enforceable by the Participant that has granted such Authorization to such Third Party Provider or by the System Provider as a Third Party Beneficiary. Failure to comply with these requirements renders any Third Party Provider ineligible for Participation and subject to termination, suspension, or a review process at the sole discretion of the System Provider.
To be eligible for approval by the System Provider, a prospective Third Party Provider must submit a Third Party Provider Application, including truthful, accurate and complete information. Every Third Party Provider must contractually assent to abide by and in practice adhere to these Rules. Manual Registration of a Third Party Service, Client or Other App is required. Any approved Third Party Provider may accept individual Participant Grants of Authorization corresponding to one or more Approved Scope and Grant Type for access to that Participant’s Personal Data.
Any approved Third Party Provider may establish such additional terms of service, including with respect to billing, liability and service quality, with individual Participants of the System, as the parties may agree provided that no contractual term or other obligation shall be enforceable against any individual Participant to the extent the obligation arises from or applies to that Participant ‘s Grant of Authorization to the Third Party Provider and is inconsistent with any provision of these Rules.
2.3 Logging and Reporting
2.3.2 Recording With System Registry
The Required Record of any transaction or other action subject to a Reporting requirements under Rule 1.4 or otherwise required under these Rules must be logged with the System Registry (or other facility provided by the System Provider) and a copy preserved by the Party responsible. The following actions are subject to a logging requirement: • Promulgation and Amendment to these Rules • Activation, Status Change or Closure of Participant Account • Each Grant of Authorization by a Principal Participant, including Modification or Revocation of Such Grant of Authorization • Supported Scopes of User Authorization, Including Modification or Removal of such Scopes • System Interfaces for REST calls, including Modification or Removal of any Such Specification • Provision, Modification or Removal of a System Service or Component
2.4 Liability and Indemnification
Under these Rules, no Individual User shall be liable to nor shall owe any obligation of indemnity to any other party for any actions that were conducted in compliance with these Rules. The applicable provisions of the Terms of Agreement regarding liability, indemnity, damages and warranties shall apply to Parties to such agreements, subject to the Order of Precedence defined in Rule 2.1.2.
2.5 Intellectual Property
2.5.1 Trademark and License in System Trustmark and Logo
Use of the System trademarks or logos must comply with the Trustmark and Branding Policy and License Agreement. No Party may use or display any trademark or logo without explicit permission and license to do so. Parties that are engaged in a process of applying for participation are not parties to the License Agreement and not permitted to use such trademarks or logos. Parties that were Participants at one time but whose Participation status is suspended or terminated, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, are likewise not permitted to use or display the System trademarks or logos, and must cease any use that had previously been permitted in accordance with the license terms.
2.5.2 Copyright and License in System Rules
These Rules are available to be downloaded, stored, transmitted and duplicated on a royalty free, perpetual and global basis, under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. The System Provider shall ensure the Creative Commons license is applied to these Rules.
2.6 Amendment
These Rules may be amended from time to time by the System Provider in accordance with the Notice requirements of Section 2.7.
2.7 Notice
Amendment of a Rule or change to the System that is not material is effective when duly promulgated by the System Provider. An affected Participant is entitled to receive 30 calendar days advance notice of any amendment of a Rule or change to the System that constitutes material change, unless an emergency condition requires a shorter period or no notice.
2.8 Other Legal Terms
The Terms of Agreement, including the Terms of Authorization, as executed or adopted by each Participant include more specific terms and may include varying provisions, subject to Rule 2.1.2 governing Order of Precedence. The terms defining and governing the overall business relationship and legal rights, expectations or other responsibilities and duties of the Participants are addressed in one or more Independent Commercial Contracts executed or adopted by Participants, subject to Rule 2.1.2.
3.1 Scope and Application
3.1.2 Supported Standards
The System supports and depends upon the following Standards and relies upon conformance with and interoperability based upon correct implementation of these standards: OAuth2
The System Authorization and Resource servers support the final version of the AUth2 Core as defined at http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2
The System Authorization and Resource servers support the final version of the AUth2 Bearer Token usage as defined at Bearer: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-bearer Authoritative Normative Sources
OAuth2: Core: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2 Bearer: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-bearer
JSON Object Signing and Encryption: JWT (tokens): http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-json-web-token JWS (signing): http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-jose-json-web-signature JWE (encryption): http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-jose-json-web-encryption JWK (keys): http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-jose-json-web-key JWA (algorithms): http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-jose-json-web-algorithms
3.2 Service Provision and System Components
Services offered through the System are enumerated in Rule 1.3.
3.2.1 Personal Data services
A Principal Individual User may import Personal Data and other records to their Personal Data Store that is hosted at the OpenPDS operated by System Provider by use of a Third Party Provider that has an approved service for that transaction.
3.2.2 System Components
In addition to Services and Interfaces, the System includes the following modular components. openPDS
The authoritative version and build of openPDS software supported and implemented in the System under these Rules is located at https://github.com/humandynamics. Funf Mobile Sensor Framework
The Mobile Health Funf Mobile Sensor Framework is open source software available for inclusion in Android apps available for use by Principal Individual Users. The specifications of the current supported version and build of this software and links to documentation is available at http://funf.org.
3.3 Approved Scopes of User Authorization and Grant Types
Only requests for access to Personal Data that conform with the defined Approved Scopes and Grant Types are permitted or supported under these Rules.
3.4 Security and Resilience
Passwords: Only an Individual User’s Account password can decrypt that user’s Personal Data or other sensitive information, and System Provider does not store this password. As a result, no one—not even System Provider employees—can see the sensitive information a Principal User places in the System. If a Principal User forgets his or her password and needs to reset it, the System Provider shall delete that user’s sensitive information for his or her own protection. System Provider must also have mechanisms in place to stop brute force attacks on passwords, and offer multi-factor authentication and secure password recovery
Servers: Personal Data is stored in a major U.S. server storage facility that has 24/7 security guards and biometric security for entry, has been issued an SSAE16 Type II SOC 1 Report, is a PCI Security Standards Council Member, is Safe Harbor Certified, and offers protection via firewalls, its own intrusion detection systems, and other measures.
Data Storage: All personal data are encrypted in database servers, including by the use of 256-bit AES encryption and RSA 2048 asymmetric key encryption. Personal Data containing sensitive information must be encrypted uniquely, in order to add an extra layer of security. Non-sensitive information may only be accessed through a Principal User-chosen password that must not be stored by the System Provider. While technically possible for a small and limited group of System operations employees to access non-sensitive information, they are strictly forbidden from doing so, consistent with System Provider policies and these Rules, unless required by law, and access to System Provider servers is carefully logged.
Secure Coding and Data Management Practices: System Provider shall not use insecure third-party delivery networks, and must ensure that Principal User Personal Data is never exposed. System Provider is not permitted to see Principal User Personal Data even in the context of crash reports. In addition, System Provider must not use data de-duplication methods, which can raise security and privacy concerns.
Security Testing and Certificates: System Provider conducts audits of System security, including penetration testing by outside firms. System Provider uses SSL certificates from VeriSign and GeoTrust. In addition, System Provider constantly monitors the System for potential threats and vulnerabilities.
Principal’s Control Their Personal Data: Only a Participant account holder can grant individuals, companies or applications access to his or her Personal Data and permanently delete or export his or her Personal Data. Third Party Providers are not allowed to track Participants while they are on the System, and the System Provider does not track Participants when they leave the System or a mobile app that is part of the System.
System Provider Employees: All System Provider employees undergo background checks going back 10 years as a condition of employment, and all technical employees receive security training.
3.5 Testing and Change Management
The System makes available a sandbox and test harness to Third Party Provider applicants to test the readiness for business, legal and technical interoperability with other Participants and for Participants to text readiness of modified or new Services, Transactions or other functions.