DevArt is a develop framework for KOTLIN
. It provides many utils and components for build APPs swiftly.
Base | Type |
BaseActivity | Activity |
BaseAdapter | Generic Adapter |
BaseAppWidget | DesktopWidget |
BaseClassLoader | Generic Object Loader |
BaseCursorLoader | Loader |
BaseDatabase | Database |
BaseDialog | Dialog-Typed Activity |
BaseDialogFragment | Fragment |
BaseFragment | Fragment |
BaseFragmentAdapter | PagerAdapter |
BaseFragmentStateAdapter | PagerAdapter |
BaseLoader | Generic List Loader |
BaseMainActivity | Rotatable Activity |
BaseNotifyReceiver | Receiver |
BasePopupActivity | Activity |
BasePopupFragment | Fragment |
BasePreferenceFragment | Fragment |
BaseProvider | Provider |
BaseService | Service |
BaseSlidingActivity | Activity |
BaseTabFragment | Fragment |
EndlessPagerAdapter | PagerAdapter |
FragmentPAgerAdapter | PagerAdapter |
FragmentStatePagerAdapter | PagerAdapter |
ViewPagerAdapter | PagerAdapter |
Util | Function |
AccountUtils | emails or accounts bind on device |
AlarmUtils | alarm operations |
ApkUtils | get APK info |
AssetManagerUtils | add asset path to assetManager |
AutobootUtils | manage the autoboot state |
CompareUtils | easy compare between types |
ComponentUtils | get and manage components in APKs |
ConfigUtils | read and write SharedPreference |
CursorUtils | cursor operations |
DatetimeUtils | datetime algorithm |
DeviceUtils | get device info |
DownloadUtils | download and manage download status |
DrawableUtils | get system drawable |
FileCommandUtils | special file permissions or commands |
FileUtils | read and write files |
HttpUtils | Http requests and responses |
ImageUtils | image operations |
InputMethodUtils | show or hide input method |
JsonUtils | json parser |
MessageUtils | send message with params |
MiscUtils | misc |
NetworkUtils | get network status |
PackageParserUtils | notification management |
ReflectionUtils | reflect operations |
ResourceUtils | get resource anywhere |
UIUtils | UI operations, type convertion |
WifiUtils | wifi manage and connect |
ZipUtils | compress or uncompress files |
Component | Description |
ArcMenu | popup menu like PATH |
Badger | show badge icon on views |
Calendar | show calendar with customized events |
Coverflow | coverflow image slider |
Cropper | crop image with conditions |
Draggrid | item-draggable gridview |
Draglist | item-draggable listview |
Flip | flip view like book paging |
FloatWindow | show a float windows on top of desktop |
Flowtext | show layered text surround the images |
Gesturelock | show a gesture unlock view |
Gif | play gif images |
Glassbar | convert ActionBar to glass style |
Markdown | play markdown articles |
Misc | some views not categoried |
Progress | show customized progress bar |
PullToRefresh | pull down or up for refresh content |
Scroll | paging scrollview with popback effect |
Sliding | sliding left or right in an Activity |
Swipe | let items in listview can swipe another view |
TouchImage | image view with gesture operations |
Component | Description |
Cache | weak cache for data, files and images |
Daemon | daemon service for un-killable |
Dns | DNS lookup and operations |
Mutax | the mutax service and notification |
Secutiry | signature and common algorithms |
Server | a simple server container for serve website or APIs |
Command | run terminal command |
- fun getIcon(): Int
icon in ActionBar
- fun replaceFragment(): Fragment
fragment in activity
- fun customTheme(): Int
theme resource id
- fun getActionBarCanBack(): Boolean
show back button on ActionBar
- fun getBarTitle(): Int
title resource id
- fun getBarTitleWithPath(): Int
title resource id for horzental layout
- fuhn getCustomTitle(): String?
title string, take effect when getBarTitle() return 0
- fun initComponents()
mapping components from layout xml
- fun initEvents()
bind events for components
- fun initLogic()
other logic initialization
- fun getFragmentLyoutResId(): Int
layout resource id
- fun getMainActivityName(): String?
main activity class name for switch rotation
- fun initMenu()
build menu on ActionBar
- fun onGetNewArguments(bn: Bundle?)
let other fragments or activities pass parameters to self
- fun getFragmentState(): Bundle?
let other fragments or activities know self status
- fun getView(position: Int, convertView? View?, parent: ViewGroup?): View?
build adapter item view
- fun getValueText(item: T): String?
do filter
For more information, please visit the project page on Github