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Getting Started

Daniel Gerendasy edited this page Aug 28, 2024 · 8 revisions

This guide will walk you through creating a brand new custom map.

Table of Contents


Please refer to the Setup Guide for how to get Forge installed on your machine.

Editor Layout

Now that you have a map imported it is important to learn the basic layout of the Unity Editor, and how Forge is organized.

Scene View

The Scene View is the editor view of the level. It renders various objects, lighting, and special gizmos (editor specific controls). From within the Scene View you can select objects, interact with them, and move the view through the map.



The bar at the top lets you configure what the view renders, the appearance of some objects, which gizmos are active, the appearance of gizmos, and how some gizmos function.

From left to right, a brief breakdown of the important toolbar items.

  • Tool Handle Position (Pivot/Center) editor-sceneview-toolhandleposition
    • For the position/rotation/scale gizmos, configures the center point of the selected object(s) between the objects origin and the center of all selected objects.
  • Tool Handle Rotation (Local/Global) editor-sceneview-toolhandlerotation
    • For the position/rotation/scale gizmos, switches between the selected object(s) local space coordinates or the world space coordinates.
  • Grid Visibility and Snapping editor-sceneview-toolgrid
    • Toggle the visibility of a grid in the Scene View for reference when placing objects.
    • Toggle grid snapping, forcing the placement of objects to be aligned by some grid increment.
  • Miscellaneous Gizmos Settings
    • Configure other gizmos related settings. We recommend you turn Fade Gizmos off.



You may navigate around the map by holding Right Click over the Scene View and then using WASD, E, Q, Shift, and Mouse to move the camera around the scene. You may configure navigation speed and easing, as well as camera clipping distances inside the Camera toolbar item.


To select an object with the Scene View, simply Left Click on an object in the scene. You may also choose to Left Click and Drag to select many objects within an area.

You may use Shift and Left Click to select multiple objects one at a time. Left Click on an already selected object will deselect it.

Object Placement

With one or more objects selected, you may use the Move, Rotate, and Scale tools to place the object(s) in your scene.



The Hierarchy window displays a tree view of each object in the scene. You can also use the hierarchy to select, delete, and create new objects.

NOTE: It is important to keep the Hierarchy organized.


Visibility and Selectability

The Hierarchy allows you to toggle both the visibility and the selectability of individual and hierarchies of objects.



The Inspector window displays configurable components of the selected object(s). Almost all properties assigned to an object, including its position, rotation, scale, exist within a component that is attached to the object. This structure lets us design custom Forge components that can be added to objects to give them different properties and behaviors.



The Project window is a File Explorer that lets you navigate the various assets/files within Forge. You can use this window to navigate into your newly created map's directory.


You may also navigate to your global assets folder (Assets/Resources/) and filter by Model to browse the various assets you have available.



The Console window displays various messages, errors, and warnings from the Unity Editor and Forge tools. If you are experiencing any issues always check here first for an error.



Importing is the first step in making a new map. Forge does not support creating custom maps from "scratch". All custom maps are modifications of vanilla Multiplayer maps.

Importing a Base Map (Creating a New Map)

The first step when creating a new map is to import a Multiplayer level from your Deadlocked ISO. You should choose a map that already has the assets/vehicles that you plan on using for your new map. For example, if you wanted to make a snowy map you'd probably want to choose Shaar because you can reuse many of its ice, water, and stone objects. If you aren't sure what you want yet, no worries, you can always choose a base map now and import any missing assets later.

Level Importer

Use the top menubar to open a new Level Importer window.

Forge > Tools > Importers > Level Importer

Inside the Level Importer window:

  • Select DL ISO as the source.
  • Leave Import into Current Map unchecked.
  • Enter the name of your new map. This name will only be used in Forge.
  • Select your base Multiplayer level.
  • Select Core Level for chunk unless you are importing a map that uses chunk1 (ie MP_Battledome).


Click Import and let the importer finish. After it is done, your editor should look a bit like the image below.


Importing Singleplayer Levels

If you wish to import a Singleplayer level, or even parts of a Singleplayer level, you may use the Level Importer window to do so.

Forge > Tools > Importers > Level Importer

Inside the Level Importer window:

  • Select your desired source.

  • Check the Import into Current Map toggle.

  • Select the level you wish to import.

  • Select Core Level or Chunk1 (if level uses chunk1).

  • Select which assets you wish to import into the scene.

    • Importing the Sky and/or Static Collision will overwrite the current map's Sky/Static Collision.
    • Importing the other assets will merge with the rest of the map.


Click Import and let the importer finish. After it is done, your hierarchy will have a new object added with the configured assets imported. If you imported the Static Collision and/or Sky, you'll want to delete your old Static Collision and/or Sky.


Importing Global Assets

If you followed the Setup Guide, you've imported assets from at least one Ratchet and Clank game. These assets have been placed inside Assets/Resources/Moby, Assets/Resources/Shrub, and Assets/Resources/Tie.

For more information on Mobys, Shrubs, and Ties, please refer to the Assets Guide.

NOTE: Mobys are not cross-compatible between games. They are also the most prone to crash PCSX2/PS2s. When importing new mobys into a map, be sure to test them immediately.


To browse the global assets, enter Assets/Resources/ in the Project window.


Select the filter Model and the label Tie (search query t:Model l:Tie). You may also filter by label Shrub or Moby if you wish to browse those assets.



Once you find an asset you want to use, simply click and drag it into the scene view. If it hasn't already been imported, it will prompt you to import the asset into your map. Then simply place the object where desired.


Importing Custom Models

Thanks to chaoticgd's work on wrench, we are able to convert arbitrary models into shrubs.

NOTE: Remember that this is a PS2 game, so try and keep triangle count low on models. Always test your map on real PS2 hardware to evaluate performance.

Automatic Conversion

The best way to work with custom models is to use the ConvertToShrub component.

  1. Import your custom model into your map folder.
  2. Drag the model from the Project window into your scene.
  3. Select the object in the scene.
  4. Add the ConvertToShrub component in the Inspector.
  5. Click the Fix button if it appears.
  6. Configure the render distance and color of the shrub instance.

NOTE: The online servers have a "Level of Detail" setting that will force far away shrubs to not render. If this is affecting your custom models, you can configure a Minimum Shrub Render Distance in the MapConfig component.



Editing is the process of using the imported assets at your disposal to flesh out your world. What is editable is very limited. When making custom maps you will have to work within these limitations.

Editable Assets

Asset Editable Transform Geometry Texture Color Notes
Tfrag πŸ”Ά πŸ”Ά ❌ βœ… N/A Move/scale/rotate supported. Scaling up may break in game. Recommend to stay at or below a scale of 1.
Tie πŸ”Ά βœ… ❌ βœ… πŸ”Ά Instance vertex colors are supported but limited to a single color for all vertices. Non-uniform vertex colors are supported when importing an instance from an existing level.
Shrub βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ…
Moby πŸ”Ά βœ… ❌ βœ… βœ…
Sky πŸ”Ά N/A ❌ βœ… N/A
Cuboid βœ… βœ… N/A N/A N/A
Spline βœ… βœ… N/A N/A N/A
Area βœ… βœ… N/A N/A N/A
World Light βœ… βœ… N/A N/A βœ…
Collision βœ… βœ… βœ… N/A N/A
Occlusion βœ… N/A N/A N/A N/A


Key Transform Geometry Texture Color
❌ Cannot move/rotate/scale Cannot edit vertices/faces Cannot edit textures Cannot edit instance/vertex colors
πŸ”Ά Limited move/rotate/scale Limited editing of textures Limited editing of vertices/faces Limited editing of instance/vertex colors
βœ… Can move/rotate/scale Can edit vertices/faces Can edit textures Can edit instance/vertex colors
N/A Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable

Texture Editing

If you wish to tweak the textures on any model in your map all you have to do is open the texture you wish to edit in your favorite image editing software, make changes, and then save back to the same file. Updates will appear in Forge on save.

NOTE: Ratchet and Clank textures store bloom information in the alpha channel. The in game opacity is always double the texture's opacity. What this means is that an opacity of 50% is fully opaque in game, an opacity of 25% is 50% transparent, and an opacity of 100% is opaque + bloom in game.

We recommend you use an image editing software that supports working with the alpha channel.


World Config

World Config parameters are stored inside your map's MapConfig component inside of the Map GameObject. These fields configure various world properties of your custom map.


Deadlocked and UYA have support for linear fog. You can configure the fog inside the MapConfig component in the Map object.

Fog doesn't affect the distant skymesh, so it is recommended (generally) for the fog to match the color of the distant horizon.


World Lighting

Deadlocked and UYA use directional lights to apply lighting to all static geometry and Mobys. All static geometry use the first World Light. Mobys can be configured to use any World Light

NOTE: Appearance of world lighting in the scene is an approximation. Always test on PCSX2/PS2 before finalizing any part of your map.


Death Plane

The death plane denotes the point along the vertical axis where any player or vehicle will fall to their death. Many levels leave this value at 0 and use lethal collision for water or lava. Maps that do not have lethal water or lava tend to use the death plane to save the player from falling for 20 seconds before they inevitably die.


Creating the Loading Screen Image

loading screen example

When the game is loading a level, a background image of the map is rendered. To create one with Forge you simply need to point the MapConfig component's DL Loading Screen field to your custom image. By default, the base map's loading screen is used. You may also use the screenshot tool inside Forge to generate a new image from the scene view.


Creating the Minimap Image


Unity Terrain to Tfrags

You may create Unity terrains and have them be converted automatically into tfrags. The output will never look quite the same as the original Unity terrain so it is good to regularly check the generated tfrags.

Follow this tutorial on how to create a new Terrain in Unity:

YT Vid

Make sure that you select your map folder as the TerrainData folder in the Terrain Toolbox window.


Then add a Unity Terrain To Tfrags component to the newly added Terrain object in the Hierarchy.


NOTE: There is a hard limit of only 4 terrain layers per terrain. Anything more will be ignored by the converter.


Forge supports a combination of "Instanced" collision and "Static" collision. Ultimately, when building, these two types of collision are baked into a single file. However their distinction in Forge is particularly useful for mapmaking.

Collision Types

Ratchet and Clank has support for different kinds of surfaces. These surfaces affect how the character/objects interact with the surface.

Each surface type is represented by a single hexadecimal byte. The byte consists of a sound ID (first digit) and a collision type (second digit). Together they form a single collision ID. The first sound ID is always stone, the subsequent sound IDs are map dependent.

Collision Id Sound Id Collision Type Color
00 Stone Swimmable Water
01 Stone Acid
02 Stone Magnet Wall
03 Stone Water
04 Stone DreadZone Out-Of-Bounds
05 Stone Electricity
06 Stone Non-walkable Magnet Wall
07 Stone Walkable Surface 1
08 Stone Non-walkable
09 Stone Walkable Surface 2
0A Stone Walkable Surface 3
0B Stone Lethal Water
0C Stone Non-walkable
0D Stone Lethal Water (Ice Cube)
0E Stone Walkable Surface (Water Trail)
0F Stone Walkable Surface 4
10-1F Stone Not Solid
20 Level Sound 1 Swimmable Water
21 Level Sound 1 Acid
22 Level Sound 1 Magnet Wall
23 Level Sound 1 Water
24 Level Sound 1 DreadZone Out-Of-Bounds
25 Level Sound 1 Electricity
26 Level Sound 1 Non-walkable Magnet Wall
27 Level Sound 1 Walkable Surface 1
28 Level Sound 1 Non-walkable
29 Level Sound 1 Walkable Surface 2
2A Level Sound 1 Walkable Surface 3
2B Level Sound 1 Lethal Water
2C Level Sound 1 Non-walkable
2D Level Sound 1 Lethal Water (Ice Cube)
2E Level Sound 1 Walkable Surface (Water Trail)
2F Level Sound 1 Walkable Surface 4
30-3F Level Sound 1 Not Solid
E0 Level Sound 7 Swimmable Water
E1 Level Sound 7 Acid
E2 Level Sound 7 Magnet Wall
E3 Level Sound 7 Water
E4 Level Sound 7 DreadZone Out-Of-Bounds
E5 Level Sound 7 Electricity
E6 Level Sound 7 Non-walkable Magnet Wall
E7 Level Sound 7 Walkable Surface 1
E8 Level Sound 7 Non-walkable
E9 Level Sound 7 Walkable Surface 2
EA Level Sound 7 Walkable Surface 3
EB Level Sound 7 Lethal Water
EC Level Sound 7 Non-walkable
ED Level Sound 7 Lethal Water (Ice Cube)
EE Level Sound 7 Walkable Surface (Water Trail)
EF Level Sound 7 Walkable Surface 4
F0-FF Level Sound 7 Not Solid

Static Collision

Static collision is contained within a single Blender file in the root of your map folder. When you first import your base map, all collision is placed within this Blender file. This is because the game only contains the "baked" collision, and there is no perfect way to map the baked collision back to the instances that it primarily represents.


You may edit the static collision directly inside of Blender. To assign a collision ID inside of Blender, assign the selected face(s) to a material with the name col_XX where XX is the collision ID in hexadecimal.


Instanced Collision

Instanced collision is a way to create collision that is "attached" to instances of objects in Forge.

Instanced Tie/Shrub Collision

For example, if we just placed a new static object in our world we can see that it doesn't have any collision. Players, vehicles, projectiles, and the like will phase through it in game. What we want is for the object to be solid.

NOTE: Mobys have their own colliders that aren't shown in Forge. We recommend you test the map in game to get an idea of a Moby's collider(s).

object no collider collision no collider

We could open the static collision inside of Blender and manually add this object, assign its collision IDs via materials, and save. But that would be a lot of work. Instead what we can do is select the object and toggle on Instanced Collider in the inspector. This will add a collider to the instance with a default collision ID. Now we can move the object around and the collider will automatically move with it.

NOTE: Be mindful of how many triangles exist in a 4x4x4 cube. If there are too many triangles the collision will either fail to build or there will be holes in game.


Overriding Default Collision IDs

By default all auto-generated colliders will have the collision ID 2F (walkable surface w/ levelsound0). You may wish to make some instances unwalkable, or maybe magnet walls. To do this, you may change the Collider ID Overrides per material to a new collision ID of your choice:


Instanced Primitive Collision

There may be times where you want to use primitive shapes to create invisible walls or less dense collision in otherwise triangle-dense areas.



Occlusion is a rendering optimization where objects in the scene are omitted from rendering if they are not in view. Ratchet and Clank uses an octree to store which objects are visible in given set of 4x4x4 cubes (octants).


Visualizing which octants can "see" the selected object.

If the player's camera is in one of those blue cubes, the selected object will be rendered (or at least considered for rendering). If the player's camera is in any other octant, the selected object will not be rendered.

Occlusion is critical for performance. The less objects that are rendered without negatively affecting the player's perception of the world (ie objects popping in and out of view), the better.

Defining Octants

There are two parts to building good occlusion. The first is to define where these octants exist. Not every point in space is a valid occlusion octant. You must explicitly define which octants will be used to store occlusion data.

Imported Octants

By default when you import a level, it imports the entire level's occlusion into the project. You can select the Occlusion Octants object to view all the octants that were imported into the scene.


Taking a look at these white cubes can help you get an idea of what parts of your map have octants. A general rule to follow is that any place a player can get to in your map should have octants.

Octant Volumes

If you want to add your own octants to an area that is missing some you can do so with Occlusion Volumes.

  1. Create a new GameObject. We recommend you group it in the hierarchy with other volumes/octants.
  2. Select the new GameObject. Add a OcclusionVolume component.
  3. Position and scale up the GameObject such that the green squares inside it fill the target area.

While volumes are great at filling an area with octants quickly, they are highly inefficient. While performance is very important when building custom maps for a PS2 game, file size is also very important. Occlusion is one of a few parts of a level that can balloon in size. As such we want to be able to use volumes to define an area with octants, but we don't want to include octants that the player's camera wouldn't be in.

  1. Position/scale the volume such that octants that are well above the ground or below the object are not included.
  2. Ensure that collision is enabled for the objects in the area that will be solid.
  3. Toggle Sticky in the OcclusionVolume component of the selected volume. This will only add octants to places that are within range of walkable collision.
Omitting Negative Spaces

Sometimes volumes will encompass the insides of objects, creating octants where the camera will never be. Using Sticky volumes won't fix this because the insides are near collision. The solution is to use an Occlusion Graph to build a network of nodes that an given octant must "see" for it to be valid.

  1. Create a new GameObject. We recommend you group it in the hierarchy with other volumes/octants.
  2. Add a OcclusionGraph component to the newly created GameObject.
  3. Create a new child GameObject.
  4. Add a OcclusionNode component to the child GameObject.
  5. Place the child GameObject in an open space in the volume where the player's camera may be.
  6. Duplicate the child and move the new node to another space.
  7. Keep adding nodes until all the accessible areas in the volume have at least one node in view.
  8. Select the volume and refresh the octants.
  9. Check to see if the negative spaces are omitted and there aren't any positive spaces omitted. If necessary, add/remove nodes until true.

NOTE: Octants encompass a 4x4x4 cube, so they will bleed into negative spaces but this is okay. What matters is that no octant is fully inside a negative space.


Building Occlusion

The next step after you have your new octants configured is to Bake the Occlusion. This process iterates every configured octant, renders the entire scene in a 360 degree view, and determines which objects are/not visible and stores the information inside each respective object.

NOTE: Only Ties, Tfrags, and Mobys use occlusion.

  1. Select the objects you wish to recompute occlusion for. You may select only the root level objects in the hierarchy, their children will be included in the bake.
  2. Navigate the top menubar and select Forge > Tools > Occlusion > Bake Occlusion For Selected.
  3. Wait for the Occlusion to finish baking. This will take awhile.
  4. Select any object you just recomputed occlusion for and make sure Render Octants is toggled in the inspector before checking if the computed octants are correct.


Exporting will pack your custom map into a set of binary files for use on our online servers. Optionally, you may opt to have Forge generate an ISO where the base map is replaced with your custom map. While the binary files can be distributed for other to use, the modded ISO is for you to quickly test the map.


Inspecting the Map GameObject's MapConfig component, you will see a few configuration options for the built map.


Setting Description
Map Version This is the version associated with the build. Not important when testing but after a map is released you will want to increment this for every release so that people will know when their map is out-of-date.
Map Name This is the name of the map as it appears in game.
Map Filename This is the filename of the built map files.
DL Force Custom Mode When set, the map will only appear when the give custom mode is selected. If the custom mode is hidden, then the map will be selectable and, when selected, the custom gamemode override will be hidden. Useful if creating a map for a specific custom mode.
DL Loading Screen The image to use for the loading screen background, when the game is loading the map.
DL Minimap The image to use for the minimap radar background image.
DL Mobys Included in Export Set of moby classes that will always be build with the map, even if there are no instances of the moby in the Forge hierarchy. Don't delete any elements unless you know what you are doing.
Shrub Min Render Distance Forces the Level of Detail patch to render shrubs at the given render distance, regardless of LOD setting. Useful for maps that use custom shrubs.


To build, simple use the top menubar and navigate to Forge > Builder > Rebuild. This will rebuild the entire level and place the generated map files in the map's build folder. You can open the map's build folder by selecting the Map GameObject and clicking the Open Build Folder at the bottom of the MapConfig component in the inspector.

Build Window

In many cases, you won't need to rebuild the entire map. Some rebuild stages take awhile and can slow you down. The Build Window allows you to choose what is rebuilt, speeding up the iteration process.


Rebuild Section

Below outlines what each toggle in the Rebuild section does. The cost is the relative amount of time to rebuild, where 🟒 is low cost, 🟑 is medium cost, and πŸ”΄ is high cost.

The Pack column represents the Pack toggle(s) that must be checked for the rebuilt data to be packed into the final map files.

Option Description Cost Pack
Collision Exports the DZO collision and packs it into the game's static collision file format. 🟑 Assets, Level WAD
Cuboids/Splines/Areas/Cameras/Ambient Sounds Exports the miscellaneous gameplay data. 🟒 Gameplay WAD
DZO Exports the DZO version of the map to the output build folder. 🟒
Mobys Rebuilds the moby assets and moby instances. 🟑 Assets, Gameplay WAD, Level WAD
Shrubs Rebuilds the shrub assets and shrub instances. 🟑 Assets, World Instances, Gameplay WAD, Level WAD
Tfrags Rebuilds the tfrag assets. 🟑 Assets, Level WAD
Ties Rebuilds the tie assets and tie instances. 🟑 Assets, World Instances, Gameplay WAD, Level WAD
World Lighting Rebuilds the world lighting data. 🟒 Gameplay WAD

Pack Section

Below outlines what each toggle in the Pack section does. The cost is the relative amount of time to pack, where 🟒 is low cost, 🟑 is medium cost, and πŸ”΄ is high cost.

Option Description Cost Pack
Assets Packs the built assets (moby, tie, shrub, tfrag, more). 🟑 Level WAD
World Instances Packs the built world instance (tie + occlusion, shrub + occlusion, more). 🟑 Level WAD (DL), Gameplay WAD (UYA)
Occlusion Compresses and packs the built occlusion. πŸ”΄ Assets, World Instances, Level WAD, Gameplay WAD
Level WAD Packs all relevant data into the final level wad. 🟑
Gameplay WAD UYA/R&3 Only. Packs gameplay and world instance data into final world wad. 🟑
Sound WAD Packs all sounds into final sound wad. 🟑

Build Folders

To test your map online, you must copy the contents of the build folder into your custom maps installation folder next to your ISO (PCSX2). If you get tired of manually copying the files each time, you may add your custom maps installation folder to the DL Build Folders inside of Assets/ForgeSettings.asset. Now every time you build, Forge will automatically copy the map files into your custom maps installation.


If you're making a Deadlocked map you'll want to also build your map for DZO. This is thankfully super easy.


Inside your map is DZO object that contains a default camera position object and a sun object.

  • The default camera position is the position and starting rotation of where the DZO loading screen camera is placed. This is required.
  • The sun object is the directional light that DZO will use for realtime shadows. This can be deleted if you don't need it.

The DZO object itself has a DzoConfig component that houses a few more settings.

Setting Description
Export Static Geometry Configure what objects are exported into the DZO map.
This is useful if you want to export a high-res version of the map.
Include in Export Exports any additional objects that aren't already included by the previous toggles.
This is where you'd put your high-res version.
If using ConvertToShrub, the high-res version will automatically be included with Shrubs (if enabled).
Export Misc (Lights) Exports lights such as the sun or other realtime lights (point/spot).
Post Exposure Increases/decreases the exposure of the rendered map in DZO.
Post Color Filter Applies the given color filter over the rendered map in DZO.


To build, simply navigate to the top menubar and select Forge > Builder > Build DZO Files. The output will be placed into the map's build folder. You can open the map's build folder by selecting the Map GameObject and clicking the Open Build Folder at the bottom of the MapConfig component in the inspector.

To install in DZO, find your DZO installation and navigate inside DreadZone Online_Data/emuqt/hostfs/dl/ and copy all the map files from the build folder. Alternatively, you can add that folder to your DL Build Folders in Assets/ForgeSettings.asset (inside of Forge) to automatically copy the build files to your DZO installation.


The built files are only useful when testing on our online servers. During most of the mapmaking process, testing is best done inside of PCSX2 with Local Play. Patching will create an ISO at the configured Output ISO for the target game. Inside this new ISO, the base map will be replaced with your custom map.

All you need to do to test is run the ISO in PCSX2, go to Local Play, select the base map, and start the game.
