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This is a project that aims to collect and create accurate written Cantonese subtitles for educational purposes. Accurate subtitles are those that match the spoken dialogue. Written Cantonese is the written form of the Cantonese language that contrasts with what is typically used, known as Standard Written Chinese. Written Cantonese subtitles are seldom used but are very powerful learning resources.

If you would like to contribute to transcripts or subtitles, make a donation, find out about current projects, or simply learn more, please join our Discord server.


Since many of the characters used in these subtitles fall outside the coverage of typical fonts, it is HIGHLY recommended that you install a Cantonese specific font. We recommend installing one of the fonts from

Table of Contents

Subtitle Style Guide

This section details how the subtitles should look. In general, Traditional characters are used as opposed to simplified characters, since they can always be converted to the latter with relative ease.

General Guiding Principles

The goal of these subtitles is to be as useful to learners as possible. The goal is NOT to be as faithful to the literal utterances as spoken by the actors or voice actors. Put another way, we want to capture intended, correct speech, and not misspeaks or agrammatical speech. Furthermore, while the subtitles do aim at comprehensive coverage of what is said, grunts, yells, laughter, and miscellaneous expressive noises should in general be transcribed sparingly and, in some cases, not at all. Such subtitles, broadly speaking, don't contribute to building understanding of the language. To this end, it is recommended to transcribe most interjections only in so far as they are followed by or form part of a longer utterance.


  • .srt format
  • single line max length is 18 characters

This .srt subtitle format is chosen because of its wide-ranging compatibility especially with language learning tools such as pop-up dictionaries.


  • lines should show on screen slightly before the speech (roughly 10-30ms)
  • lines should trail the subtitles slightly assuming no screen change (roughly 30-60ms)
  • lines that end during a scene change, should be synced with the scene change
  • the minimum line duration is 750ms
    • this can be even shorter in the case of lines consisting of 2 characters or less


Explanation Examples
Written or background info is enclosed in Chinese parentheses. (三年前)
The titles (of episodes, works, etc.) are enclosed in Chinese double arrow brackets. 《進擊的巨人》
Secondary titles are separated with a Chinese colon. 《哈利波特:神秘的魔法石》
Episode titles are enclosed with Chinese square brackets. [戰士]
Miscellaneous titles, such as in on-screen text are enclosed with lenticular brackets. 【Sub Topic】
Direct speech styling uses Chinese colon followed by dialogue enclosed in left and right Chinese quotation characters. 我媽媽話:「唔准去嗰度」
A Chinese comma is placed after all SFP, except when followed by 你 without a pause. ❌好啦我明喇。
Multiple speaker dialogue uses two lines and dialogue that begins with a hyphen without a following space. -speaker 1
-speaker 2
When a question is followed by the name of who is being addressed then the question mark is used as the separator as opposed to a comma and a question mark ❌你仲喺度,阿明?
Only 1 Chinese ellipsis character is used (never 2 as in ……). ❌……
When an utterance is repeated, transcribe only 1 instance with a trailing Chinese ellipsis character. ❌ 喂喂喂
✅ 喂…
In the case of interrupted speech, a Chinese ellipsis character is used to mark where the speaker is cut off and a new line begins with the new speech. -點解你…
In the case of trailing speech, a Chinese ellipsis character is used. ❌佢唔可以嘅話~~
In the case of stammering, the start is separated by a Chinese ellipsis, but this is only done once. ❌只只不過
When listing with 同 or 同埋, Chinese list comma is used on the elements that are not connected with the conjunction. A、B、C同埋D
Subtitles never end in a period and Chinese period is never used. ❌我個名叫Tom。
The middle period is never used. ❌哈利·波特
Italics are never used.

Untranscribed Speech

In general, these subtitles are a learning resource. The goal is not to transcribe verbatim all utterances in their entirety. The goal is have a complete subtitle that contains information useful to the learner. We do not want to include very minor, nearly non-audible speech. SFP are transcribed as accurately as possible to benefit the learner.

Speech Example
The e3/oe3 and other brief "uh" sounds are not transcribed. ❌e3,其實呢
The Chinese exclamation point is used sparingly in the case of exceptionally loud/declarative yells or for emphasis among quieter speech, such as when calling someone's name.
Miscellaneous grunts, yells, screams, and the like are not transcribed.
Ah, oh, hmm, huh, mhmm and other acknowledgement noises are transcribed sparingly and only in the case that they form part of other utterances. ❌吓?

Character Conventions

The aim behind establishing conventions is to promote consistency that will enhance learning and further promote written Cantonese. These conventions go out of their way to promote unambiguous character usage in many instances.


There are also some subtitles that don't have respective audio follow the given conventions.

Sentence Final Particles|句尾助詞

Syllable\Tone 1 2 3 4 5 6
aa 𠻺
aak 𡅅
gaa 𠺢 𠿪
gaak 𠺝
ge 𠸏
tim 𠻹
wo 𡁜
zaa 𠾵
Jyutping|粵拼 Honzi|漢字
a1 maa3 吖嘛
a1 naa4 吖嗱
a3 ho2 啊嗬
a3 haa2 啊吓
a6 maa5 𠻺嗎
baa2 laa1 罷啦
ga1 maa3 𠺢嘛
ga3 wo3 㗎喎
ge3 ze1 嘅啫
ge3 zek1 嘅唧
ha6 waa5 下哇
la1 maa3 啦嘛
la3 wo3 喇喎
za1 maa3 吒嘛


Jyutping|粵拼 Honzi|漢字 Examples|例子
aa3 爸、伯、
can1 隻腳、跌
dei2 嘛嘛、悶悶
di1 、靚
dou2 、做唔
faan1 、畀
gam2 樣、係
gam3 多、
haa5 、試、行行
kiu1 Q Q線、做乜Q
maai4 、畀、交
saai3 多謝、辛苦


Jyutping|粵拼 Honzi|漢字 Explanation|解釋
aai1, aai2
ai1 jaa3/5/6, ai1 jaak3 哎吔
ce1 "tsk"
e2, ei2
e4, e6 "uh"
hei1 as a greeting / shows satisfaction
hei5 shows discontent
hng6 "hmph"
m2, m3, m6 "hmm"; "um"; "mhmm"
naa4 "look"; call for attention
o2, o3, o4, o5, o6
oi2, oi3 variant of 喂
syu4 𭉝 "shh"
u1 "ooo"; sound of interest/wonder
waa1 "wah"; sound of crying
waa3, waa4 "wow"
wai2, wai3

Character Variants

Where applicable, the Hong Kong variant of characters is chosen.

✅ Selected Variant ❌ Other Variants Jyutping
巿 si5


✅ Selected Variant ❌ Other Variants Jyutping Explanation
zi1 指植物或木嘅嘢
痴線 黐線、黐綫、癡線、痴綫 ci1 sin3
唔單止 唔單只 m4 daan1 zi2
唔止 唔只 m4 zi2
gaau2 指「做」
打搞晒 打攪晒 daa2 gaau2 saai3
而家 宜家 ji4 gaa1
唔使 唔駛 m4 sai2
即係 姐係、啫係、唧係 zik1 hai6
淨係 剩係 zing6 hai6
呢個 依個 ni1 go3
依個 𠵱個 ji1 go3
傾偈 傾計 king1 gai2
𠹻 陣、浸、朕 zam6 係量詞
hoeng2 指「喺」
咪使旨意 咪使指意 mai5 sai2 zi2 ji3
唔使旨意 唔使指意 m4 sai2 zi2 ji3
丼、揼 dam2
𢱕 溚、揼 dap6
dam1, dam3, dam6
刻劃 刻畫 waak6 waa2
蕩失路 盪失路 dong6 sat1 lou6
惡夢 噩夢 ok3 mung6
zoek3, zoek6
hung1 兇猛、兇手、兇某人
凶兆 hung1 泛指一啲不祥嘅嘢
手鏈 手鍊 sau2 lin2
頸鏈 頸鍊 geng2 lin2
燒燬 燒毀 siu1 wai2
焚燬 焚毀 fan4 wai2
tok3 單字
怕醜 怕羞 paa3 cau2
篤、督、厾 duk1 係動詞,指「刺」、「戳」
涿 duk1 係量詞,指「一涿屎」或「一涿尿」
duk1 用於「監督」、「都督」等
duk1 用於「篤信」、「篤定」等
𡰪 duk1 指最尾或末端,例如「行到㞘」
便 bin1, bin6 用於「邊度」、「入邊」
弊喇 𡃇喇 bai6 laa3
老土 老套 lou5 tou2
瀨屎、瀨尿 賴屎、賴尿 laai6 si2, laai6 niu6
鍛鍊 鍛煉 dyun3 lin6
dau3 對打;分勝負
dau3 花工夫去整一樣嘢
dau3 摸;掂
tau2 休息;歇息
走夾唔唞 走夾唔抖 zau2 gaap3 m4 tau2
早唞 早抖 zou2 tau2
攤唞 攤抖 taan1 tau2
有氣冇碇唞 有氣冇碇抖 jau5 hei3 mou5 deng6 tau2
唞涼 抖涼 tau2 loeng4
唞暑 抖暑 tau2 syu2
唞氣 抖氣 tau2 hei3
唞大氣 抖大氣 tau2 daai6 hei3
大髀 大脾 daai6 bei2
鮓、謯、苴 zaa2
aau3 同人爭執
好嘢 好耶 hou2 je5
𢯎 R、摳、撓、𢲷 ngaau1
𡃴 ceoi4 臭味
度過 渡過 dou6 gwo3
保佑 保祐 bou2 jau6
蠢材 蠢才 ceon2 coi4
噚晚、噚日 cam4
噖晚、噖日、禽日 kam4
乞兒 乞衣 hat1 ji1, hat ji5
不嬲 不溜、不留 bat1 lau1, bat1 lau2 一直
𢫏 kam2 遮住
kam2 掌摑
ham2 撞到
kam2 用嚟遮住底下嘅嘢(量詞:個)
ham6 全部; 接口閂得實
ham6 引起強烈感受
爹哋 爹地、爹啲 de1 di4
老豆 老竇 lou5 dau2
沾污 玷污 zim1 wu3, dim1 wu3, dim3 wu3
忟憎 𤷪𤺧、䒐䒏 mang2 zang2
老細 老世 lou5 sai3
鴻福齊天 洪福齊天 hung4 fuk1 cai4 tin1
啤啤 BB bi4 bi1
秘笈 祕笈 bei3 kap1
秘密 祕笈 bei3 mat6
𨃩 sin3
搭、塔 taap3 用手銬;鎖
𠹷 ngo4 好煩噉樣批評或者抱怨
jau4 用油漆或顏料填上顏色、覆蓋表面
人才 人材 jan4 coi4
𨈇 𨂾、揇、檻 laam3
係噉意 係噉咦 hai6 gam2 ji2
吽哣 吽竇、吽逗 ngau6 dau6
發吽哣 發吽逗、發吽竇 faat3 ngau6 dau6
laan2 扮做;自命
莫名其妙 莫明其妙 mok6 ming4 kei4 miu6
大部份 大部分 daai6 bou6 fan6
kaat1 例如:信用卡
car, carat, 黐住 kaat1
矇、蒙 mung4 朦朧;模糊
賜予 賜與 ci3 jyu5
joeng4 傳揚;張揚
咀咒 zeoi2 zau3
詛咒 咀咒 zo3 zau3
啃、鯁、骾 kang2 夾硬吞落喉嚨;有啲嘢食卡咗喺喉嚨
𬒔 ang2 一啲突起嘅嘢頂住,令人唔舒服或痛
po1 植物嘅量詞
濕𣲷𣲷 濕立立 sap1 nap6 nap6
嗱嗱聲 拿拿聲、啦啦聲 laa4 laa2 seng1
gwat6 執著;鈍
籮柚 囉柚 lo1 jau2
批、𠜱 pai1 1. 刀法 2. 削走啲嘢
唯有 惟有 wai4 jau5
sek3 愛、關心、緊張
sek3, sek6 1. 用嘴唇掂另一個人嘅身體 2. 一種金
lam1 1. 甜蜜、氹人 2. 花植物嘅一部分 3. 冧歌
lam3, lam6 1. 跌倒 2. 堆起 3. 連續
橋、蹺、巧 kiu2 表示咁啱
得閒 得閑 dak1 haan4
論盡 吝盡 leon6 zeon6
騎呢怪 奇離怪 ke4 le4 gwaai3, ke4 le4 gwaai2
fea、啡、fe fe4
蜑家 疍家 daan6 gaa1
冚家剷 冚家鏟 ham6 gaa1 caan2
架撐 架生 gaa3 caang1, gaa3 saang1
林沈 淋糝、林審 lam4 sam2
蕃茄 番茄 faan1 ke2
gat1 用尖而幼細嘅嘢插入
詐諦 詐帝 zaa3 dai3
咖哩雞 咖喱雞 gaa3 lei1 gai1
𦧲 lur loe1*2
搞喎 搞涴、搞腡 gaau2 wo5 整壞
得戚 得敕 dak1 cik1
的骰 的式、菂薂 dik1 sik1
溶溶爛爛 茸茸爛爛、 蓉蓉爛爛 jung4 jung4 laan6 laan6
爛溶溶 爛茸茸、爛蓉蓉 laan6 jung4 jung4
lim、令、捻 lim1 紙嘅單位,通常指500張
nin2 雙手或者多隻手指夾住一嚿嘢
吼住 睺住、喉住 hau1 zyu6, hau4 zyu6 望住
故仔、故事 古仔、古事 gu3 zai2, gu3 si6
盲中中 盲舂舂、盲樁樁 maang4 zung1 zung1
𠼮、誽、𠱓 ngai1, ai1 央求
𠱁、𧨾 tam3 1. 令人開心 2. 哄騙
tam5 1. 水喺凹陷地方 2. 陷阱
zek6 用竹片等材料製成嘅墊
𥄫 gup gap6 1. 偷窺 2. 凝視
deoi2 1. 捅 2. 短時間內攝取好多嘢
乞嗤 乞嚏 hat1 ci1
盟塞 盲塞、萌塞 mang4 sik1, mang4 sak1
哈佬 hello haa1 lou2, haa1 lou3
𠝹刀 鎅刀 gaai3 dou1
軟腍腍 軟淋淋 jyun5 nam4 nam4
倔頭路 掘頭路 gwat6 tau4 lou6
週圍 周圍 zau1 wai4
吟沉 吟噆、唅沈 ngam4 cam4
𣲷懦 𥹉懦 nap6 no6
裝、𥅾、𥊙 zong1 偷窺
wan3 局限喺一個地方之內,唔出嚟
係咁歹 係咁大 hai6 gam3 daai2
urk oet4, oet6, oek4
gip、篋 gip1
震盪 振蕩 zan3 dong6
斫、斵 doek6
過份 過分 gwo3 fan6
咦咦哦哦 咦咦哦哦、咿咿哦哦、依依哦哦 、依依鵝鵝、咦咿𠹷𠹷、咿咿𠹷𠹷 ji4 ji1 o4 o4, ngi4 ngi1 ngo4 ngo4
吟吟沉沉 吟吟尋尋 ngam4 ngam4 cam4 cam4


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