Code related to my education at the Amsterdam University of Applied Science(HvA.)
Project 1 was an individual assignment. It's main goal was to find a new way to digitalize the International Students Guide Amsterdam(ISGA.) Based on a target group analysis. I chose to display the timeline chapters as the main feature of the digital ISGA. The timeline feature uses a JavaScript clock which fetches data from the Firebase database corresponding the current time. All the code had to be hand written, including all logic that runs in the background.
- Semantically coded
- Timeline fetched from database
- Responsive layout
- Custom Google Maps
- Code: A+
- UX: A
Demo (Best viewed with mobile screen size.)
Project 2 is a 2-part project, with 2 different project groups.
Project 2 part 1 is focused designing a solution for a problem that one of the assigned athletes has. The problem we chose was the complexity and amount of health tracking applications. The main goal of the application is to give the athlete a simple yet efficient way of submission heath and sleeping data. This information is important for the coaches to see how the athlete is recovering.
- iOS focused
- Responsive layout
- Meaningful animation
- Standalone detection and compatibility
- Solution: A
- Documentation: A
- Code: A+
Final grade: A
Demo (Best viewed with mobile screen size.)
Project 2 part 2 is focused designing a web-application to make the lives of terminally ill patients better. For this project our team had to focus on the COPD patients. Our concept was to create a simple interface were the patients could find important information, ex. how long they had exercised, what the weather was, and if that weather would be harmful for them. We also implemented an easy way to learn the exercise that the doctor has given. The last feature is a dashboard to view information that was provided by the user.
- iOS focused
- Responsive layout
- Meaningful animation
- Real-time data
- Location based weather
- Solution: B+
- Documentation: B
- Code: A+
Final grade: A
Demo (Best viewed with mobile screen size.) Username: herman001 Password: wachtwoord
This is a small project for the course Introduction to Programming at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. This project is slightly more advanced what is required by the course. Because I already had quite some experience with JavaScript basics, I was suggested to use some more advanced JavaScript Frameworks. With this this project I honed my skills in React.js and learned the basics of Meteor.js.
- Real-time data
- Component based app structure
- JavaScript only file upload and storage with Firebase
- ES6 syntax
- Code: A+
For this project I do not have a live demo, clone the repository if you want to see the running application.