Releases: HofSpannungMotorsport/CarSoftware
Safe and Stable
Add Recuperation, Update Power Calculation
Add Recuperation to be applyed wether from APPS or with the brake pedal.
Changed the way, the current requested from the inverter gets calculated. Now, measured Values and settings made before match more closely.
This could be the final V0.1.X release. May be used for Bonnie.
Add Adaptive Power Limit, Launch Control and Bugfix
Fixed bugs, add Adaptive Power Limit working physically correct, add Launch Control
Stability improvements and Bugfix
Added some small features and improved stability.
First Rule-Compliant Release
This is the first rule-compliant version of the CarSoftware.
Update to new Message and ID System
Changed to new Message and ID System. Improved stability and startup performance. New Startup animation. Fixed some Bugs.
New Folder Structure and Pins
New Folder Structure for the Software, it is now seperated in a API (carpi) and the actual software for the current Car. The Pins got changed too to match the current Setup. It is tested and works, the Motor can be controlled and is ok for testing the Car.
Don't use at the Event! It's still in Alpha! Only for testing.
Second Alpha
Second Alpha Version of the CarSoftware. It has some bugfixes and better Error Display.
First Alpha
This is the first Alpha-Version of our CarSoftware. It is tested with Bonnie and gives it its basic functionality to drive.