Lsp-api is a library (As the author, I prefer the term: Framework) to
limit the developers to define data access layer and accessing data.
Its because good things always comes from the point "Simple made easy, not the reverse"
And ordinary way to define & access data access layer is a mess (its only from my own perspective).
type UserProfile = {
name: string,
age: number,
gender: string
async function getThePostsOfTheUser(userId: number, deleted: boolean, dateGreaterThan: Date): Promise<UserProfile> {
return await fetch(
deleted=${deleted}&dateGreaterThan: ${dateGreaterThan}`
).then(async rs => {
return (await rs.json()) as UserProfile
type GeneralResponse<T> = {
success: boolean,
message: string
data: T
export type UserPosts = {
"(Rest/get /users/:userId/posts?:deleted&:dateGreaterThan selfMappings (get posts of the user))": {
req: {
userId: number,
deleted: boolean,
dateGreaterThan: Date
res: GeneralResponse<{
name: string,
age: number,
gender: string
After that you just call the api
If you need to add more api on the
just do below:
export type UserPosts = {
"(Rest/get /users/:userId/posts?:deleted&:dateGreaterThan selfMappings (get posts of the user))": {
req: {
userId: number,
deleted: boolean,
dateGreaterThan: Date
res: GeneralResponse<{
name: string,
age: number,
gender: string
"(Rest/post /users/:userId/posts {:userId id} asBody (add post of the user))": {
req: {
id: number,
title: string,
content: string
res: GeneralResponse<any>
And after that you just call the new api:
Dont worry!!! There is compiler for you.
import the compileAll function to your entrypoint and add it to the main funciton, thats`s all.
import {compileAll, evalApi, RestRequestSender, LocalStorageManager} from 'lsp-api'
const restRequestSender: RestRequestSender = async (url, method, requestBody) => {
return {};
const localStorageManager: LocalStorageManager = {
store: function (key: string, data: object): void {
throw new Error('Function not implemented.');
retrieve: function (key: string): object {
throw new Error('Function not implemented.');
compileAll(restRequestSender, localStorageManager)
Yes and No!!
You do have to memorize some syntax but its all the same with `clojure` language.
And `clojure` is a diglt of Lisp. You just need to remeber to close your parentheseš, thats It!!!
The syntax is simple and not too much and all of them are the same from the higher view.
Here is the some syntaxs:
(Rest/get url-with-formatting url-formatting-mappings (comments))
(Rest/get /users/:id/posts/:postId {:id userId :postId postId} (get the post of the user)
(Rest/get /users/:id/posts?:deleted&:postedDateGreater selfMappings (get the posts of the user))
(Rest/post" url-with-formatting url-formatting-mappings requestBodyMappings (comments))
(Rest/post" /users/:id/posts {:id userId} asBody (add post of the user))
(Rest/post" /users/:id/posts selfMappings asBody (add post of the user))
When you get fucked by the selftalking api definitions.
npm install lsp-api
import {evalApi} from 'lsp-api'
type GeneralResponse<T> = {
success: boolean,
message: string
data: T
export type Examples = {
"(Rest/get /users/:id/posts?:deleted&:dateGreaterThan selfMappings)": {
req: {
id: number,
deleted: boolean,
dateGreaterThan: string
res: GeneralResponse<{
id: number,
title: string,
content: string
"(Rest/post /users/:id/posts selfMappings asBody (Add post of the user))": {
req: {
id: number,
title: string,
content: string
res: GeneralResponse<any>
"(Rest/delete /users/:id/posts/:postId selfMappings asBody (Delete the post of the user))": {
req: {
id: number,
postId: number
res: GeneralResponse<any>
"(Rest/put /users/:id/posts/:postId selfMappings asBody (update the post)": {
req: {
id: number,
postId: number,
title: string,
content: string
res: GeneralResponse<any>
"(Rest/patch /users/:id/posts/:postId?:titleOnly selfMappings asBody (patching the post)": {
req: {
id: number,
postId: number,
titleOnly: boolean,
title: string,
content: string
res: GeneralResponse<any>
"(Local/get-in user-profile (get the profile of the user))": {
req: {},
res: {
id?: number,
name?: string,
age?: number
"(Local/set-in user-profile (set the profile of the user))": {
req: {
id?: number,
name?: string,
age?: number
res: {}
//Api definition in Lisp syntax
//An API is an abstraction to completely remove the complexity to the users of the API.
//The users of the APIS should only care about three things.
//1.I need to use an api to do something.
//2.what data is needed for the operation that I need to do.
//3.what data it will return.
//An API is not only a symbol of the API, It should be the code itself to explain how to send the request.
//Furthermore, the api types or definition should be a library dependency provided by backend developer in lisp syntax.
//Second, The API should be able to eval to http request format in any http request library,
//Like axios or fetch, a simple example in lisp syntax: (to-axios-request apiDef data) (to-fetch-request apiDef data)
//Add more APIS here with the syntax: APIs<SystemAPI & xxxAPISet & AnotherAPISet>
export type Apis = (Examples)
export type FlattedApis = {
[K in keyof Apis]: {
apiDef: K,
reqDef: Apis[K]
export type FlattedApis = {
[K in keyof Apis]: {
apiDef: K,
reqDef: Apis[K]
type RequestTypeOfTheApiGeneric<T extends keyof FlattedApis> = FlattedApis[T]['reqDef']['req']
type ResponseTypeOfTheApiGeneric<T extends keyof FlattedApis> = FlattedApis[T]['reqDef']['res']
export async function api<T extends keyof FlattedApis>(api: T, req: RequestTypeOfTheApiGeneric<T>): Promise<T> {
return evalApi(api, req);
const fs = require("fs")
const lspApi = require('lsp-api')
//The location of the apis, and where to store the api metadatas, and the wrapper for the fsf module.
lspApi.compileAll(process.cwd() + "/data/api", "/data/api/apiMetadata.json" {
statSync(path) {
return fs.statSync(path);
readFileSync(file, encoding) {
return fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf-8')
readdirSync(dir) {
return fs.readdirSync(dir)
writeFileSync(file, content, encoding) {
fs.writeFileSync(file, content, 'utf-8')
existsSync(path) {
return fs.existsSync(path)
"compileLsp": "node lspCompiler.js"
"start" : "npm run compileLsp && replace your command here"
import {setup, HttpMethod, LocalStorageManager, RestRequestSender} from 'lsp-api'
//load the apiMetadata from the api folder
//The apiMetadata is generated by the compiler.
import metadata from './apiMetadata.json'
setup((url, method, requestBody) => {
return {}
}, {
store(key: string, data: object) {
retrieve(key: string): object {
return {}
}, metadata)
//Add more APIS here with the syntax: API<SystemAPI & xxxAPISet & AnotherAPISet>
export type Apis = API<UserPosts | anotherApis | xxxAPIS>
type GeneralResponse<T> = {
success: boolean,
message: string
data: T
export type Examples = {
"(Rest/get /users/:id/posts?:deleted&:dateGreaterThan selfMappings)": {
req: {
id: number,
deleted: boolean,
dateGreaterThan: string
res: GeneralResponse<{
id: number,
title: string,
content: string
"(Rest/post /users/:id/posts selfMappings asBody (Add post of the user))": {
req: {
id: number,
title: string,
content: string
res: GeneralResponse<any>
"(Rest/delete /users/:id/posts/:postId selfMappings asBody (Delete the post of the user))": {
req: {
id: number,
postId: number
res: GeneralResponse<any>
"(Rest/put /users/:id/posts/:postId selfMappings asBody (update the post)": {
req: {
id: number,
postId: number,
title: string,
content: string
res: GeneralResponse<any>
"(Rest/patch /users/:id/posts/:postId?:titleOnly selfMappings asBody (patching the post)": {
req: {
id: number,
postId: number,
titleOnly: boolean,
title: string,
content: string
res: GeneralResponse<any>
"(Local/get-in user-profile (get the profile of the user))": {
req: {},
res: {
id?: number,
name?: string,
age?: number
"(Local/set-in user-profile (set the profile of the user))": {
req: {
id?: number,
name?: string,
age?: number
res: {}