- 🔭 I’m currently working on Book Ride (a negotiation based cab booking platform)
- 🌱 Love To work on Java, Springboot, DSA, Typescript & React stuffs
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Open Source Projects
- ⚡ Fun fact: I am Developer, poet 🤣
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
React |
Java |
SpringBoot |
Next.js |
Angular |
Javascript |
Typescript |
C++ |
Python |
MongoDB |
PostgreSQL |
SQLite |
Supabase |
MaterialUI |
Tailwind |
class About extends Me {
const myTools = {
"ProgramingLanguages" : {"C++", "Java", "Typescript" },
"OtherLanguages" : { "React", "SpringBoot", "Angular", "HTML", "CSS" },
"Database" : { "MYSQL", "MongoDB", "PLSQL" },
"Editors" : { "Vscode", "Sublime", "IntelliJ IDEA", "eclispse" },
"Platforms" : { "Windows", "Linux" },
"Struggling on" : { "Leetcode", "Open Source", "System Design" }