A full stack Node.js project described in Bangla. Please check the video tutorial by clicking the image below -
Please follow the below instructions to run this project in your machine:
- Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/learnwithsumit/chat-application.git
- Watch the youtube tutorial on this topic - https://youtu.be/GtCEbTarCoQ.
- Check out to lesson-6 branch with the below command
git checkout lesson-6
- Run npm install
- Then rename the .env.example file to ".env" and change values as per your need
- Finally run the application in development using below command -
or You can run it in production mode by -
npm start
npm run prod
Sumit Saha - [email protected]
Project Link: https://github.com/learnwithsumit/chat-application
Youtube Channel: https://youtube.com/LearnwithSumit